43. Taeil's downfall

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Jae had his mouth so wide open, that his jaw began to hurt and Doyoung breathed in sharply.

"Best student in school for four years and now this!" Mr. Sacudo walked to Taeil's desk, while the boy was as shocked as everyone ealse.

"But... Mr. I..." stuttered Taeil. "I would never..."

"How come your essay is an exact copy of Kun's essay!" asked the teacher his face now red like a tomato, that was ready to explode any second and Doyoung let out a loud groan.

"Mr. Sacudo if someone was copying anything it was the opposite way," said Doyoung his voice was faint not alike his usual confident one.

"Kun said you will tell me this, he found out what Taeil did and came to me a day before I corrected the essays to warn me and complain," the teacher took a breath and straightened.

Taeil rubbed his face in a nervous way and Jae glanced towards Kun, who wore the prettiest smile ever.

"Bad?" whispered Sicheng but Jae kicked him under the table, so he kept quiet.

"I expect you in the headmaster's office after the lesson Taeil, and you too Kun. I will will vote for a expulsion," Mr. Sacudo walked to his desk. "Now open the books at page 152 na read," he said sitting on his chair, that squeaked horribly.

"But you can't!" Doyoung opened his mouth.

"Would you like to guide Taeil to the headmaster's office?" asked the teacher and Doyoung closed his mouth.

Jae glanced at his friend to find some understanding of the situation in his face, but then it came to him. Kun has never had money, all his fancy clothes and self confidence was a pose, a role, a cover to hide the truth. He needed the scholarship badly to have a chance to go to university and he was able to do anything to get it, and Taeil was the only one clever enough to threaten him.

Jae shivered. He looked at Taeil who hid his face in his hands.

Life was so bad to him lately, first Lauren who never wanted him now Kun who played a fake friend to have him expelled, and it was a little his, Jae's fault. If he had told Taeil he's friends with Lauren straight away all of this would have never happened and Jae felt a bitter taste in his lips.

The lesson ended how it started in total silence, Kun and Taeil needed to stay, while the rest left the room.

Jae, Doyoung, Taeyong, Ten and Sicheng stopped at the door and waited impatiently.

"Vefy bad?" asked Sicheng who had no clue why everyone looked so down.

"Vefy bad," whispered Doyoung who was shaking his head in disbelief.

"Wait I heafd him, while I had afgued with Taeil that day. Kun said he wants to check something in the bibliogfaphy and boffowed the essay," said Jae glancing up.

"We can't prove it," said Doyoung and Jae felt his fists are closed.

"There must be something we could to threaten this rat with, I'll ask in the company," said Taeyong and Jae felt a glimmer of hope.

"That might work, it's a shady plan, but he deserves it," Doyoung was furious but still very pale.

Soon the classroom door opened and Mr. Sacudo stormed out followed by a grinning Kun and a Taeil, who looked like if he's going to throw up on the floor any second.

Taeil avoided his friend's glances and hurried behind these two.

"We won't leave it like this!" said Taeyong who had a dark look.

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