88. Sing

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"Kim Doyoung," said Miss Hillary and Jae applauded while his friend hurried on stage.

Soon Ten was read out, he was so nervous he slipped on the stairs and barely kept his balance but Sicheng jumped through the hall to the teacher and greeted each with a huge smile. Jae started to bite his nails watching how Kun smiled wide raising his diploma with a red ribbon on it, meaning - best student. Soon Taeil followed and his diploma was also outstanding, so Jae applauded very loud. He moved his feet nervously waiting for his name to be read, he barely realized someone took the empty seat beside him and only when Doyoung gave out a strange sound he glanced up.

He nearly fell from his chair catching a pair of deep dark eyes staring straight at him.

"It's a dfeam," whispered Jae but a moments later Taeyong's hand landed on his and he squeezed it tightly.

"Taeyong!" said Jae so loudly several rows turned to him and Mark jumped up pretending to have kicked his chair over so the attention switched to him.

"Hi little Jae," Taeyong smiled bright.

He was wearing normal clothes not like the ones he had on TV but his hair was still weird, but Jae didn't care at all, he hugged Taeyong tightly and couldn't believe he's here for real.

"Jung Jeahyun," his name rang the gym and Taeyong needed to pinch him so he let go and hurried to the teachers all red and blushing while his boyfriend applauded.

Jae grabbed the diploma from Mr. Moo shook all the stretched out hands and hurried back. He caught the thumbs up from his father, Kun rolling his eyes, Yuta saying something that sounded like 'This loser has graduated', and Doyoung and Taeil's wide smiles, but all he could focus on was Taeyong's face and he nearly tripped over his boyfriend's legs when he returned to his spot.

He grabbed Taeyong's hand as if he could disappear any second and laid his head on his shoulder too happy to talk.

"Show it," Taeyong took his diploma and read it. "Wow you're good, congrats babe," he kissed the top of Jae's head causing the boy to smile.

"Lee Taeyong," said Miss Hillary and Taeyong needed to wrestle with Jae a little to get out of his grip before he went to the stage. Jae applauded loudly and Doyoung shook his head smiling.

Soon his boyfriend was back and Jae enjoyed his warmth when Taeyong read his diploma and made a rather disappointed face.

"It isn't that bad, I heard Yuta got worse grades, and Hansol paid to get past his 7 failed exams," said Taeyong closing the papers.

Jae smiled cuddling closer to him while the rest of the students were read out and soon Mr. Johnson came back.

"So, as it is in the school tradition the best student of the year should make a speech, Taeil please come up," he said.

Jae glanced at his friend who was paler than ever when he got up and Yuta shouted a loud - "This will be the worst speech in school's history!" but was kicked by Lauren so he shut up.

Soon a shaky Taeil reached the platform and coughed to the microphone causing Yuta to whistle and get beaten up by Lauren again.

"My speech would have been way better," muttered Kun behind Jae's back.

"You haven't heard it yet," Taeyong turned around and said it in a harsh way.

Jae giggled while Doyoung slipped to the end of the chair and covered his face with his hands muttering - "It will be horrible."

"So, have you all washed your teeth today and ate well?" said Taeil and Jae sank lower into Taeyong's arm.

Mark coughed from the first row and Yuta lat out a loud lough.

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