Just a few pointers

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Hey all! It's ILoveLittle Sally716 here! 

So...I was scrolling through the comments in this story and I noticed that my dear readers are saying that Annie is the shipper in this story. You're not wrong there but there is something I want to clarify.

Annie isn't the only shipper in this story.

In fact, she gets her shipper behaviour from two people in particular.

Let me list those two.

First off is her dad; Clyde Leonhardt.

Now this dude is Hanji's best friend slash bro in law.

But did you know...

He's the aggressive shipper?


Well now you do.

Go and check out the scenes where he's involved and you'll notice a particular behaviour.

He is the kind of shipper that desperately want the ship to become canon already. His matchmaking skills is so leaning towards the forceful side that he technically becomes a violent cupid it a gatling gun filled with love arrows, constantly firing at the pairing.

He'll do anything to make sure it does become canon.

Next up is Annie's mom; Anastasia 'Anna' Leonhardt.

She's the calm shipper.

She's the type to sip tea in the garden while waiting for the ship to become canon. She'll rarely get involved in matchmaking but when it's necessary, she'll step in and do a little but effective matchmaking.

She usually lets other types of shipper to do the work for her.

There we go! More info for you guys!

And now let's take a look at Annie's shipping behaviour.

First, she's a mix between an aggressive shipper and a calm shipper. Her matchmaking skills are evenly balanced from openly making the pairing interact to just watching the pairing from the sidelines.

She's the master matchmaker in this story.

She is the kind of shipper that is very successful in matchmaking. She just snaps her fingers and the pairing will be leaning more towards being canon.

She's THE shipper.

THE matchmaker.

So there you guys go! This was fun and it helped me get out of my rut a little but I don't know when I'll be updating on my stories yet. Finals is upon me so the stress cloud is still raining on my parade. I hope you guys liked this little info and I, hopefully, will update soon.


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