A Day with the 104th Squad

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*Annie's POV,*

"But mama, I don't want you and daddy to go!" I whined as I held onto mama's jacket.

"Sweetie, it'll only take awhile. I promise that me and daddy will be back before you know it alright?" Mama said.

"Your mother's right Annie, we won't be gone for long. Besides you have some company to look after you." Daddy said.

I looked at the people who'll be babysitting me, their really weird, except for Armin; he's really cute. He smiled at me and I quickly turned away while hiding my face against mama's shirt. I sighed.

"Oh, alright; but promise me that you'll be back?" I asked.

"We promise." Daddy said.

"Pinky swear?" I held out my pinky.

"Pinky swear." They said and wrapped their pinkies around mine.

Mama kissed my forehead and said, "We'll see you later sweetie." I nodded. Mama stood up and daddy picked me up off the ground, he kissed my forehead and I hugged his neck.

"Be good alright?" He said and I nodded. Daddy looked at the people who will be taking care of me and said, "You brats should take care of her while we're gone or else you'll be cleaning the entire HQ with a small toothbrush. Am I clear?"

"Yes Corporal!" They all said at the same time while placing their balled hands on their chest and back. It's a really weird thing. Daddy placed me back on the ground and patted my head.

"See you soon baby girl." He said and turned to mama.

"Let's go Hanji, we don't want to be late." He said and then he walked away.

"Make sure she enjoys her day and eats her lunch okay? And if we get delayed, put her to bed four hours after sunset, alright?" Mama said.

"Don't worry Squad Leader, she's in good hands." The Pretty Princess said, I think her name was Christa.

"Thanks. Hey Levi! Wait up! Bye Annie!" Mama said while running after daddy.

"Bye mama!" I said while waving after her. I hope this will be fun day.

"So Annie, what do you want to do today?" Reinerdeer said. He's more of a big teddy bear rather than a reindeer though.

I thought for a moment. What game should I play with them?

I know!

"I want to play hide and seek." I said.

They looked at each other for a moment, then Armin smiled and knelt down in front of me.

"Alright then, we'll play but you will be the one to count to ten while the rest of us hide, okay?" He said.

I felt warm on my cheeks, I nodded and covered my face with my hands and started to count. I heard them shuffling in the room as they looked around for a place to hide in.

"..., 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Ready or not! Here I come!" I went about the room, looking for any sign of them. The first one I found was Ymir 'The Giant Lady,' she was hiding behind the couch so it was easy to find her; then the next one I found was Bertie, he was hiding behind the door in the bathroom; then I found next was Christa, Jean 'The Pony', Connie 'Marble Head', Reinerdeer, Eren 'The Angry Troll' and finally Armin, who was hiding in the closet.

"Yay! I found all of you! Now Ymir's the one to count now!" I said while jumping happily.

"Wait a second Annie, you still haven't found Mikasa yet

" Armin said.

Oh yeah! Now that I think about it, I still didn't see her yet. I looked around the room again, but I still can't find her! I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye. It went straight to the curtains! I went over it and pulled it back, revealing Mika.

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