Snowy Wonderland

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*Hanji's POV,*

I was sitting in my desk at the research lab, finishing piles of paperwork that Erwin assigned to me. It's been a total of five months now ever since Annie came here, everything went back to normal after the trial, except for the Military Police. Every time Annie wants to go out and play, Levi always make sure that his squad are looking after her. Her memories were still blank, but other than that, everything's just dandy. I stood up, stretched and walked towards the window of the research lab. Outside was a wonderful view of a snowy wonderland, winter came in very quickly, but luckily, no blizzards or snow storms had passed by yet. We usually don't go on expeditions during winter, so, we're all stuck here doing paperwork instead. Oh, the joy. I went to my coat rack and put my gloves, scarf and coat on, I walked back to my desk and grabbed the paperwork that I just finished and went on my way to Erwin's office. As I reached my destination, I noticed the door already opened and decided to go in anyway. Levi, Mike, Nanaba and Erwin were already there doing their own paperwork. Erwin's desk was filled with piles of papers and files, I added mine to the stack.

"I swear Erwin, that Nile is getting me more irritated! Making us do their paperwork while they lounge inside Wall Sina, warming up their asses! You can't just sign these papers all by yourself!" I commented, gesturing to the growing pile.

"It can't be helped Hanji, besides, if this will help stop Nile from going after Annie, then we might as well do it." He said, not stopping his work.

"I doubt that bastard will stop." I said.

He was about to say something in return when a tray with legs, filled with five mugs of hot chocolate walked in. From above, it looks like the tray's walking on its own but when you look down, you could see a blonde toddler balancing it on her head.

"Hi mama! I brought you guys some hot chocolate! The kitchen staff are serving them to everyone!" Annie said as she expertly placed the tray on the coffee table.

The five of us smiled at her while getting our own mug of hot chocolate.

"Thanks sweetie, this will definitely warm up our day." I said, taking a sip from the mug.

Annie smiled at us, I noticed that she was wearing something on her head that resembles a cat's ears and blue mitts that resembles said animal's paws. The accessories paired up with her blue sweater, scarf and pants make her look like a giant kitten. It was so adorable!

"Annie, where did you get the headband and mitts?" I asked while trying in vain in containing my girly squeal from coming out.

"Sasha and Connie found them while they were shopping." She answered tweaking the ears on her head band with both of her hands, making a very adorable pose. The cuteness is overwhelming, I'm surprised I haven't squeezed her to death yet.

"Mika even made me a blue tail to complete the outfit." She turned around to show a blue tail tied to her waist.

I couldn't hold back anymore. I slammed my mug on the coffee table, completely startling Mike, who was doing his paperwork nearby, and grabbed Annie into a death hug similar to Nanaba's and started spinning her.

"CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! CUTE!" I squealed while I spun her around.

I was about to rub my cheek against hers when instead I felt air against me. I looked at my now empty arms. Levi was standing in front of me, holding a dizzy looking Annie in his arms and looking at me disapprovingly.

"Don't make her sick, Hanji." He said sternly.

He placed Annie back on her feet and she stumbled over to the couch and collapsed, face flat, beside Mike.

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