Annie's Plan

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*Hanji's POV,*

I walked down the corridor towards the living quarters that Erwin assigned to us. Everyone was busy preparing for the Founding Ball of the Scouting Legion. The kitchen staff were planning the buffet, a few soldiers even volunteered for the decorating, Erwin, Mike and Nanaba are preparing the invitations and Levi and his squad are in charge of cleaning up the ball room, which hasn't been used for a very long time. I went inside our living quarters and went straight for Annie's bedroom, I opened the door and peeked inside, only to find the room empty. Hmm, now where did that girl go? I went outside again and walked a little further down the corridor. I stopped in front of my destination. The girls' barracks. I knocked on the door and waited, I could hear shuffling and muffled voices inside before Christa opened the door.

"Oh! Squad Leader. If you're looking for Annie she's right here." She said with her trademark smile and stepping aside to let me enter.

"Thank you ,Christa." I said.

I stepped inside the girls' barracks and sure enough, Annie was there, she was sitting on one of the lower bunk beds. She was talking to the girls about something when I trotted over to her.

"There you are young lady! I've been looking everywhere for you." I said as I sat down beside her. I purposely harden my landing when I sat down and she flew off the bed for a few seconds before landing back down again with an 'oof!'.

"Hi mama!" She said after she landed.

"What are you doing here? And what are you preaching to the girls here?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her small frame and pulling her onto my lap.

"I was only telling them about my secret plan." She said.

I arched an eyebrow at her.

"Secret plan? Don't tell me that this is what you said to your uncle Erwin three weeks ago, isn't it?" I asked placing my chin on top of her blonde head.

"Uh huh." She answered while nodding her head.

"Could you please enlighten me about that? You know how the suspense is killing me these past three weeks and besides, I've got nothing better to do. Party planning really isn't my thing." I said.

She turned around and smiled at me.

"Sure thing mama, but, promise me that you won't tell daddy about this? I was planning on surprising him myself." She said.

"I promise." I assured her.

She lifted herself up a little bit and started whispering in my ear.

What she said made me smile from ear to ear.

*Levi's POV,*

"Alright, brats! That's enough break time! Let's get back to work!" I shouted to my squad. The male members mostly, I let the girls go for a little while 'cause Annie wanted to talk to them. We were in the ballroom, cleaning the place up for the party, which would take place in about two months. I know it's quite early to be doing the preparations, but since everyone is excited, we decided to do it a little early. I put  my white handkerchief back on my face to prevent myself from inhaling filthy dusts.

"Jaeger, Braun, Arlert! Make sure the floor's clean enough that I'll be able to see my fucking reflection!"

"Yes sir!"

"Springer, Kirchstein! Make sure to wipe the stain glass ten times! I want those windows sparkling even without the use of sunlight!"

"Yes sir!"

"Fubar! Come up here and take over cleaning the chandelier! I'll repair the tables!"

"Yes sir!"

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