Secrets Out of the Dark

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*Third Person POV,*

A shadowy figure crept into an abandoned village inside Wall Maria. He was carrying a small child in his arms as he walked the streets of the ghost town. He stopped in front of what used to be a shop of some sort.

Zoe Music Shop.

It said on the sign right above the window. He climb the small steps, pushed the dusty door open and walked inside. Inside the shop, several instruments were still displayed and covered in thick layers of dusts. He went towards a door at the back of the counter and opened. He climb up the steps towards a family room. He placed the child on the dusty couch and walked towards a small dusty cabinet. On top of the cabinet was a portrait of the family that used to live here. He picked up the portrait and brushed off the layer of dust covering the image. The father of the family was a tall, blonde haired, blue eyed man; the mother was also a blonde haired, woman; and so was the child she was carrying. The only odd one out was the child that looked much older than one the mother was carrying. The child had messy, brown hair, red-brown eyes with glasses, and a hooked nose. A scarred finger traced the image of the blonde child as he looked at her.

"You could've been mine Anna." He whispered to the picture.

"We could've been happy with each other. But, your idiot of a sister ruined everything!" He shouted as he threw the portrait across the room, completely shattering the glass. Miraculously, the blonde child on the couch didn't even stir.

"She had to be best friends with my brother! She had to introduce him to you!" He ranted on.

"Annie, could've been our child! But no! She had to be yours and my twin's brat!" He picked up the small cabinet and threw it.

"And your parents! How quickly they agreed on giving your hand in marriage to him!" He threw more furniture around as he continued shouting. He suddenly stopped when he heard something from a distance. The pounding of hooves on the ground filled his ears. He straightened up and arranged the hood of his cloak over his head, completely hiding his features. He looked at the slumbering blonde child on the couch before whispering,"Don't worry Anna, I'll make sure that Annie'll be safe with me but, as for your sister... She's going to pay very dearly to what she did."

He climb down the steps towards the shop and sat on an old, dusty piano. As he waited for the pounding of the hooves to get closer and louder, he started playing a dark tune.

Come and get our precious niece, Hanji.

*Hanji's POV,*

We were getting closer to my home village, I could see the abandoned houses in a distance. I turned my head to Erwin's direction.

"Erwin!" I called out and gave his attention to me.

"We need every soldier to stay alert! We don't know what awaits us in the village!" I said.

"Got it!" He replied and turned his head behind him.


"YES SIR!!!" The replied back.

I snapped my reins and willed my horse to go even faster. I could see my home village getting closer and closer.

Once we were close to the village gayes, I slowed my horse into a walk and the others followed my lead. We strolled cautiously a few streets until, I stopped my horse and climb down.

"Hanji! What are you doing!? Get back on the damn horse! Now!" Levi whispered frantically.

"Trust me Levi, I know what I'm doing." I whispered back at him.

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