The Big Day! a.k.a. The Last Chapter!

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*Hanji's POV,*

*Five Months Later... *

Oh my walls!

I'm so nervous!

Well, who wouldn't be if your going to get married to the man you love!

I nervously paced around the bride's waiting room, wearing my white dress and holding my bouquet. My hair had been done beautifully thanks to Annie's and Mikasa's help. My dress had been made by the Scouting Legion's skilled dress makers. The dress itself is really appealing.

I fumbled with my hands as I paced the room for the umpteenth time while muttering facts about titans.

I jumped when I heard the door opened. Annie poked her head from the door way and sighed. She opened the door fully, revealing her lavender, venus necked dress. She looks absolutely gorgeous. Her hair was in the same bun, diamond earings -bought by Armin- we're dangling from her ear lobes, the locket around her neck, and really minimum makeup. It's like she's the bride instead of my Maid of Honor with the way I described her just awhile ago. She's been part of the Scouting Legion soldiers and is a part of Levi's Squad. We filed her transfer papers when we got back to the walls and sent it to the Military Police for approval. Of course, knowing Nile, he won't sign the papers until he has Annie into his clutches. So I did the only thing that I can do at the moment. I stormed into his office with my five fellow shifters along with me. I threateningly said to him that if he doesn't sign the transfer papers within the next five seconds, then all hell would break lose, cue in the five cracking their knuckles along with my eyes glowing bloody red (I don't know why my eyes glow red when my emotions go overboard but, my parents once said that it was nothing to worry about so, I didn't). After he signed the papers -and probably pissed himself in the process- we went back to HQ and celebrated.

She walked towards me and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Ma. You. Need. To. Calm. Down." She said as if I was an other worldly being.

"How can I calm down!? I feel really giddy inside!" I said.

She sighed again, walked me towards the vanity table and sat me down on the chair. She placed her hands on my shoulders again and lowered her head right above my right shoulder.

"Look into the mirror." She said or more like ordered.

I did as she told me.

"What do you see?" She asked me.


She straightened up, took the brush from the table and started brushing my hair.

"Well, I see a beautiful woman that's going to get married to the man who loves her unconditionally." She said, still brushing my hair.

I turned and looked at her, eyes half closed and one eyebrow raised.

"You've been hangin' around Armin too much haven't you?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes but, smiled at me.

"I'm serious ma." She said, putting the brush down.

"Look, I know that I'm not experienced with this whole marriage thing but there is one thing I know. If she wanted to, mom would've come down here, slap you repeatedly in the face, and tell you herself to get up, get out there, marry that guy waiting at the altar, and screw him on the bed until both of you see stars." She said.

I blushed at her last sentence and she laughed at my expression.

Her laughter was cut off by a knock on the door.

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