Reintroducing the 104th Squad

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*Levi's POV,*

I woke up, oblivious to where I am. Suddenly, everything came back to me. The dagger, the kid and Hanji. I felt something shift on top of me, I looked down and saw the kid still sleeping while she gripped at my cravat. For once in my life, I didn't care about my cravat being crumpled, Hanji was right, it's only a fucking piece of cloth. I looked to my side and saw Hanji sleeping with her arm draped around my abdomen, I felt the kid shift again. I looked at her and saw that she was frowning, probably having a bad dream. Suddenly, her breathing turned rugged and she had started whimpering in sleep. I started to wake her by shaking her gently but she wouldn't wake up.

"Hey, hey kid. Wake up." I said, still nothing. Her whimpering increased in volume and she started to toss and turn, at some point; she accidentally kicked Hanji in the face, resulting in her jolting awake.

"OW!" She yelled.

She looked around to find the one who hit her. I sat up, hoping that the kid would wake up but it still hasn't worked. She gripped my cravat even tighter, resulting in me choking. Hanji finally has her attention to me, worry was etched on her face.

"Levi, what's going on!?" She asked.

Since I was choking and couldn't talk, I pointed at the kid. Hanji immediately took the kid and tried to wake her.

"Annie! Annie wake up! Wake up sweetie! Come on wake up!" She lightly slapped the kid's face. After a few more minutes of trying to wake her up, she finally came to. The kid was gasping for air, I went to Hanji's small kitchen attached to the living room and got her a glass of water. When I came back, Hanji was comforting the kid, who was now crying. I passed the glass to Hanji and she gave it to the kid. She immediately calmed down after taking a drink, I sat at the edge of the bed, I was still a little sleepy.

"Shh... It's alright, it was just a bad dream. I'm here, I'm here." Hanji said comfortingly.

"Want to talk about it kid?" I asked.

She nodded, clearly she wanted to get this off of her chest.

"So, what was your dream all about?" Hanji asked.

"T-there were four people who were hurting me and saying I was a monster, it really hurts mama." She said.

"Don't worry it was just a dream nothing more." Hanji said.

I got a little curious, as to what does these four people look like in her dream.

"What did those people look like kid?" I asked.

She thought for a moment before answering.

"Well, the first one was a lady, she had orange, short hair and was not very tall; and then there were three guys, one looks old and wears a hanky thingy like yours; and the other one has yellow hair that's tied up and he also has some hair on his chin; and the last one has black pointy hair." She explained.

I drew in a sharp breath, she dreamed about my old squad!? A woman with short stature and has short, orange hair is Petra Ral; a man that looks old and wears a cravat just like mine is Auro Bozzard; a man with blonde hair tied up and has a stubble on his chin is Eld Gin; and a man with pointy black hair is Gunther Schultz. Why the fuck did she suddenly dreamed about them!? Hanji looked at me worriedly, I looked at the kid and reached towards the her. Hanji hesitated at first but eventually let go of her. I placed her on my lap and she immediately clutched my shirt, snuggling against me. I heard Hanji sigh in relief.

"Listen kid, that dream of yours, don't pay attention to it alright? It's just a dream." I said while rubbing her back comfortingly.

"Yes daddy." She said.

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