The Nightmares

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*Hanji's POV,*

 It was dark. I couldn't see a thing, at first, I thought I died on an expedition outside the walls but then I started hearing a voice in a distance.

"How could you!?" The voice said, I could tell that it was said out of anger, but I didn't even know what I did to make someone this angry. Sure, I've made some enemies, what with my job and all but this is a particularly confusing one.

"How could you!?" The voice said again but this time more clearer and I could tell that it was a woman.

"Who are you!?" I yelled back. Suddenly there was a blinding light right in front of me and I heard the woman's voice again.

"You don't know me?" She said.

"No! I can't even see your face with all this light blinding me!" I said as I tried desperately to cover my eyes from the blinding light. Suddenly, images of a petite blond woman with dead blue eyes, lying lifeless on a bed and a crying infant with the same blond hair as the woman on the bed, played before my eyes. The scene seemed familiar yet, I can't remember where and when it happened.

"You broke your promise to me!?" The woman's voice shouted once again.

"What promise!? I didn't break any promise nor did I even made one!" I shouted back, I was really desperate to know what this woman mean by a promise that I made. Suddenly, the light vanished and only stood there was a lone figure of a woman with long blond hair. She was wearing a white dress that stops just above her knees, the silky material was being held over her petite frame by two spaghetti straps. Slowly, she approaches me but as she comes closer, I could see tears flowing down her face. Her face was remained hidden by her hair, but I could tell that her eyes were blue.

"How could you break your promise to me!?" She sobbed.

"I told you already! I don't know what this promise that you're saying!"

"You promised that you'll take care of her!" What! What is this woman talking about? I don't understand.

"Take care of who!? I don't even know you!" Suddenly, her appearance changed; her white dress became bloody red and her silky white hands became wrinkled and her nails became long and pointed and her tear-stained face contorted into something much more demonic. She pushed me down to the ground and straddled me, her clammy hands went around my neck, cutting off my air supply. Desperately, I tried to push her off of me but it seems like my own strength was removed from me.

"How could you!? How could you break your promise!?" She hissed at me as her fingers tightened around my neck. My vision slowly became blurry, I couldn't even hear her yelling anymore. This is it then, I won't be able to see the light of day anymore. Slowly, I let myself succumb to the darkness until I completely lost consciousness.

I woke up with a gasp and immediately sat up and looked around. Thankfully, it was only a nightmare; but what baffles me is that it has haunted me for the past four months now, so you could say that I hadn't got any decent sleep ever since. I wiped the sweat from my face; then stood up to go to my bathroom adjoined in my room. I splashed my face with cold water to wake myself up and then I went over to my bedside table to retrieve my glasses and hair band. As I was putting on my uniform, I couldn't help but wonder what the woman in my dreams meant about that promise that she keeps on saying.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door, I went over to the door and opened it; revealing my squad member and assistant Moblit. He saluted and I nodded in response.

"Squad Leader, Commander Erwin wishes to speak with you along with Corporal Levi." He said, dropping his salute.

"Alright, tell him I'll be there in a few minutes, I just need to finish up here and I'll be on my way." I replied. Moblit nodded and went back to Erwin's office. I closed the door and went over to my desk, papers and books were askew on the table.

I picked up my notebook with important information inside; then proceeded to tie my hair up in my usual pony tail. I went over to my usually, unkept bed and put on my boots; once I was done, I went over to my coat rack near the door and retrieved my military jacket. Once I decided that I was done, I went out of my room and locked it shut; next thing I know, I'm on my way to Erwin's office.

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