Mess with the Woof You'll get the Fangs

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*Levi's POV,*

Something's wrong.

Annie was growing weaker and weaker by the second. That fucking bastard was pinning her down while, she struggled to break free. How I wanted to jump over there, slit that bastard's nape and beat the fucking shit out of him!

I felt a hand on my shoulder, preventing me from advancing.

"If you're going to go in there, then don't. It's outright suicide." Erwin said, his hand tightening on my shoulder.

I gritted my teeth and went back to the scene before me.

Annie's completely weak now and she's losing some blood from her cut. That bastard took the opportunity and raised his bladed fist. Getting ready to beat her with it. I was about to launch my hooks over there when...


A giant wolf ran out of the trees and punched Claudius' Skeletal Titan off of Annie.

My vision.

It was true all along.

The Wolf Titan was standing protectively over Annie's Titan. Just like it did in my vision but, what made this one different from mine was that there was a bearded man holding a giant sword standing on top of its head and it was pulling Annie close to its chest while it growled at the, now standing, Claudius.

"W-what is that!?" Erwin and multiple soldiers exclaimed.

Multiple hooks latch on the tree we were standing. I look towards to where the hooks lead and found my squad coming back with the unconscious shifters.

They onto a branch on top of ours and layed the shifters down to rest.

Arlert climb down to our branch and joined us as we watched the scene before us.

"C-Corporal, what's going on? One minute Annie was about to get beaten and the next was a wolf like titan punches Claudius' titan off of her." He asked, not taking his eyes off of the scene.

I didn't answer him and only stayed silent as I watched what happened next.

The man on top of the Wolf Titan's head lifted his giant sword in one hand and pointed it towards Claudius' direction.


Claudius' face changed into shock as he heard the man yell at him.

"WHAT!?" He exclaimed.

Suddenly, the man knelt down and whispered something into the Wolf Titan's ears. It nodded its head as if it understood what the man said.

My eyes widened as I watched the scene unfold.

Faster than the eye can see, the Wolf Titan stood up and charged towards the Skeletal Titan. Punching him once again in the process. Both of its hands caught ahold of the blades on Claudius' shoulders and broke them off of him. Claudius let out a roar of anger and pain as he tried to attack the Wolf Titan but, it seems that it is much more faster than him. It evades him by side stepping and coming up behind him, within the blink of an eye, the Wolf Titan managed to break the rest of Claudius' blades. Even the ones on his knuckles.

"WHAT ARE YOU!?" Claudius shouted in rage as he tried to attack at the Wolf Titan once again.

It managed to dodge the attack by side stepping. It let put a roar and tackled Claudius into the ground. The ground shook as the two titans landed on the forest floor with a loud thud. I lost my balance and fell from the branch I was standing on.

"LEVI!!!" Erwin yelled after me.

I was going to launch my 3DMG hooks on a nearby branch when I landed on something soft. I looked up and saw that Annie had caught me with her, still intact, hand. She placed me back on the branch right next to Erwin.

I thanked her and she nodded. Before she could completely turn her back to me, I called her name.

"ANNIE!!!" I yelled, getting her full attention.

"If you're thinking of helping that Wolf Titan then don't. You're weak and you lost your hand, besides, that thing looks like it can beat Claudius." I said, worry lacing my voice as I spoke.

Her eyes widened and she shook her head. She pointed at the Wolf Titan, who was now straddling Claudius and raining him with powerful punches, as she made weak, inhuman noises from her mouth.

I shook my head and looked at her again.

"Annie, I don't understand what you're trying to say but, I won't allow you to go out there and get yourself killed." I said.

Again, she shook her giant, blonde head and pointed at the Wolf Titan.

She made noises again but, I still couldn't understand. I shook my head, indicating that I don't understand her.

She tried again, she made noises, trying to say something but, I couldn't actually understand anything.

Then I snapped at her.


She suddenly stopped. She was looking at me with a scowl on her face.

Then she uttered a word that made my knees buckle.


*Hanji's POV,*

I kept on punching him.

I let my rage take over as I pounded his face.

"Han, that's enough. I think that you over did it." I heard Clyde said in my ear.

I let one last punch land on the bastard's face before stopping.

Claudius' skull-like face was now cracked, a few dents can be seen in a few areas on the scalp. He was now lying still and motionless.

"Come on, I want to go see Annie first." Clyde said, patting my furry head in comfort.

I nodded and stood up on my hind legs, I walked towards to were my comrades were watching me while Claudius and I faught.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw them drawing their blades and keeping their guard up.

It seems that they don't know it's me.

I looked to Annie's direction and saw her saying something to Levi. She must've noticed my presence for she stopped and turned to look at me. Her eyes were showing recognition.

Does she know that it's me?

My eyes landed on her injured wrist, where her right hand used to be. Blood was still dripping from the wound. I walked a little closer to her until I was right in front of her. Her height was only up to my snout. I expected Levi to attack but, strangely, he didn't move a muscle. I grabbed ahold of her wrist and gave the wound a lick. Lapping up the blood that dripped from it. She cringed in pain but, suddenly recovered when the wound started smoking and her hand started forming again.

I looked towards Levi's direction. He has a neutral look on his face so it was difficult to tell what he's thinking. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my narrow waist. I looked down and saw Annie nuzzling her head on my chest. I lifted a hand to her head, wrapped the other around her and pulled her against me.

We stayed like that for a few moments when...


One of my comrades yelled.

I sensed the movement and pushed Annie away and took the blow. My body flew from the impact until I crashed into a tree. My body slide down and darkness engulfed me.

Once again.

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