Hauntingly Similar

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*Hanji's POV,*

I reached Erwin's office and knocked on the door four times.

"Come in." Erwin said, behind the door. I opened the door and went inside. Levi was already there and he was sitting on the couch near the bookshelf.

"So, what's so important that you want to talk to me and Levi this early in the morning." I said as I sat right next to Levi with my usual smile on my face.

"Oi, Shitty Glasses, its almost noon, you overslept again." Levi said in his usual harsh tone. Wait! I overslept again!? Gosh, that nightmare really is something! This is the umpteenth time that I overslept!

"Heh, I guess I was so busy researching that I overslept." I said with a sheepish grin on my face.

"Tch! Your practically not even bathing too! When was the last time you bathe? I could smell your stench from over mile."

"Hey I just took a bath last night okay Levi!"

"Oh really? then why the hell do you smell like horse shit?"

Levi and I continued arguing about my hygiene. This was practically our morning routine.

"That is enough you two." Erwin said in an authoritative voice. Levi and I immediately stopped bickering and focused entirely on what Erwin will be saying.

"As you two know that Annie Leonhardt hasn't come out of the crystal for over four months now and it has been three months since the last time we checked up on her, am I correct?" Erwin started. We both nodded simultaneously in response. It has been a very long time now since I last examined the girl in the crystal.

"So, I want you two to go down to the dungeons and examine her again and find some changes on her state." Erwin said. I mentally high-fived myself, yes! finally after months of waiting I finally get to examine the Female Titan again! This assignment may help get my mind off of those nightmares.

"Hanji, Levi will go along with his squad in case something unexpected might happen, am I clear?"

"Crystal clear, Erwin!" I replied with my usual enthusiasm. Levi on the other hand, isn't quite pleased with the idea, heck, when is he pleased with anything? Except, maybe that time when everything was spotless and clean.

"Why bring the brats along when the entire research team will be there!?" He said, clearly in disdain.

"Levi, you know full well that the research team will be busy examining things; so it is your duty and responsibility to make sure that nothing bad ever happens during the examination. Do I make myself clear Levi?" Uh oh, not even Humanity's Strongest can outwit that one.

"Tch! Fine. When do we leave?"

"The both of you will leave after lunch." Yes! I have enough time to prepare. I got up from the couch and walked towards the door with Levi trailing behind me. I was going to reach for the doorknob, when Erwin stopped me.

"One more thing before you go Hanji. Make sure that you eat your lunch or else you will not be going on this assignment. Am I clear?" What!? I'll never finish preparing in time if I eat my lunch.

"But Erwin I-" I was about to protest but Erwin beat me to the punch.

"No buts Hanji, I could tell that you haven't been yourself lately." Why wouldn't I not be myself? These nightmares kept on bothering me!

"Fine, fine. I'll eat lunch first then." I said, completely defeated. Erwin nodded and I opened the door and went straight to the mess hall with Levi still trailing behind me. This is going to a long trip.

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