A Loved One's Farewell

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*Hanji's POV,*


I need air!

I can't breathe!

Why can't I breathe!?

I open my eyes and quickly sat up while gasping precious oxygen.

"Finally! It normally takes me a few seconds to wake you up but, I guess with all that training you went through made your lungs expand too." I heard Clyde said.

That's when I noticed that my nose was throbbing. I turned around to face him.

He was sitting at the head of the mat with Levi, Erwin, Mike, Nanaba, and Moblit beside him. I noticed that it was just us in the clearing, the rest of the pursuit team must've gone back to the village and retrieved the supplies. I extended my arms and grabbed ahold of Clyde's shirt collar, or what's left of it, and and pulled him close to my face.

"You did not just pinch my nose and covered my mouth to wake me up again did you?" I said with a threatening voice.

He averted his electric, blue eyes from mine.

"Mmmaaaaybe...?" He said, still averting my gaze.

What a horrible liar this man is.

I placed my palm on his forehead and pushed him away from. He landed on his back with an 'oof!' escaping his lips. I sighed at his pitiful state.

This man is my so called, 'best friend.' Wonderful.

"Um...Squad Leader no! Commander! Are you alright sitting up yet?" I heard Moblit asked.


I looked down and saw my bolo tie out of my torn shirt. I guess it flew out when Claudius threw me.

"Moblit, I'm still a Squad Leader. I'll only be a Commander once Erwin steps down from his position or die from an expedition. Hopefully, it would be the former rather than the latter." I said.

"Oh...uh, sorry Squad Leader." Moblit apologized.

I shook my head.

"No, no, it's okay. We all make mistakes." I said.

Speaking of mistakes. Clyde was already on his feet, rubbing his forehead.

Now this is the appropriate time that something clicked in my mind.

"Where's Annie!?" I asked, looking around frantically.

"I'm right here." A cool voice said.

I looked towards the direction where the voice came from. There, standing beside a tree, was Annie.

She's back to her old self now. Huh, here I am looking disappointed because she returned to her normal age. I guess I enjoyed spending time with the little Annie a little too much.

I stood up from my spot and walked over to her place. As I got closer, she started lowering her head as if she was ashamed. Once I was right in front of her, I took a finger to her chin and lifted her head up so that she's looking at me. Her blue eyes show intense guilt because she remembers what she's done in the past. I looked at her with an indifferent look on my face. She slightly flinched when I raised my hand and touched her cheek. I raised my other hand her other cheek and slightly tilted her head a little bit as if examining her.

Well, I really am examining her, making sure that she isn't injured anywhere.

After I was contented that she's alright and Is not hurting anywhere, I let go of her cheeks and placed my hands on my sides. I willed myself not to her a hug then and there.

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