3: Hangovers

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(Emma's POV)
A groan escapes me as I roll over to the side. I slowly peel open my eyes only to shut them once again at the sudden brightness. My head begins to ache and I remember feeling this way before. Damn it...a hangover. I squint at the clock, and it read 10:38 a.m. Crap I'm late for work. My eyes reveal themselves to the bright world and I examine the room I was in. I then realize that this is not my bedroom. It's Killian's. With wide, frantic eyes I look all over the room trying to remember the events of last night.

My questions were answer when the door squeaks open. I whip my head in the direction of the sound and immediately regret the decision when the ache in my head worsens. Killian enters the room with a glass of water and some of, what I can only assume is Tylenol or something. His eyes find mine and he grew a smile.

"Well, I'm happy to see someone's finally awake," he says as walks towards me.

"Shhhh," I say as I lazily pull a finger over my mouth. "Not so loud, I'm only right here."

"Sorry love," he whispers, with a smile on his face.

"Better," I mumble and he smirks.

"I brought you these to help you with your hangover." I sit up as he hands me the water and Tylenol.

"Thanks," I pop the pills into my mouth before I chug them down with some water. "I have some questions for you."

"As I assumed you would." He made himself a comfortable position, sitting down on the bed by my thighs. "What exactly is the last thing you remember?"

"Well," I gather my thoughts, scrambling through my memory for answers. "I remember that we were at the bar and I had...a few drinks--" he laughs and I glare at him. "Fine. Maybe a bit more than a few. Then my memory got kind of hazed after the...third drink I believe."

"Alright," he nods his head. "So what are your questions?"

"First of all...did I do anything uhh...stupid, last night?" I ask suddenly nervous.

"If by stupid you mean driving recklessly all over town, knocking down many signs and mailboxes, including one small puppy before getting pulled over by a police officer and fined thousands of dollars..." I gasp as my hand covers my mouth and my eyes widen. Oh my god Emma, what have you done? "...then no," Killian finishes with a smirk.

My hands grab the nearest pillow and start beating Killian with it, while he laughs at my anger. "What the hell Killian?!" I yell once I don't have the strength to hit him anymore.

Killian stops himself from laughing enough for him to respond. "I'm sorry swan but I really couldn't help myself."

"Bastard," I mutter as I glare at him with squint eyes. "I'm gonna get you back for this you know."

"Oh I'm sure you'll try." A goofy grin is plastered upon his face. He then tries to compose himself and continues, "But honestly, no you did not to anything stupid. Did you ask ridiculous questions? Yes. Did you act like a five year old? Yes. But no, you did not do anything stupid. You just acted like it."

"Oh god," I mutter covering my eyes. "So how exactly did we end up here? With all of our clothes on?"

"Emma Swan," Killian turns to me, looking offended. "Do you honestly think, that I would take advantage of a gorgeous woman such as yourself when you were obviously intoxicated and were in no position to be making such decision? You insult me, darling." He finishes shaking his head.

"Sorry but with my experience with men, I did expect something to happen. Plus, it's not like you haven't done it before or anything."

Killian sighs. "Granted my history with women isn't the greatest but I would never take advantage of a woman unless I was intoxicated as well, which was almost every day back then."

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