4: To Family

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(Emma's POV)
As we started to walk down the beach, I couldn't help but feel like something's off. Storybrooke's never at peace like this. I just have this gut feeling that something's going to happen, someone's going to disrupt the peace and no one's going to be prepared for it. I feel Killian squeeze my hand and I look up at him.

"What're you thinking about, love?"

"Nothing really." He raises an eyebrow at me. "Okay it's just that...I feel like it's too easy! I mean, we've never had a moment of peace and yet for the past six weeks, everything's been...normal."

Killian sighs. "Love, you're just being paranoid, why don't you just except the fact that we have a break."

"I'm not being--" He raises another eyebrow at me. "Okay, there's a chance I'm being paranoid. But I have a gut feeling that something bad is going to happen."

"Well if something does happen, we'll be ready as always. Don't forget swan, the heroes always win."

"God you sound like Henry or my mother." He laughs.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Speaking of," I check my phone. "We should probably be heading over there now."

"Alright then, let's go!"


We arrive at my parents' place and are greeted by a very excited Mary Margaret. "Hey you two! Come in, come in," she ushers us in.

"Is Henry here?" I ask.

"No, he's with Regina but they should be arriving shortly," she says with a smile.

"Mary Margret, who's there?" Dad yells from the bedroom.

"It's Emma and Killian!" She yells back although not as loud. Dad emerges from the bedroom holding Neal.

"Hey guys," he says walking towards us.

"Hey Dad," I say as I greet him with a side hug, since he's still holding Neal. I pull back and look at Neal. "Hey Neal! How are you?" He gives me a toothless smile to which I smile back.

"Emma would you like to help me cook tonight?" Mom says.

"Sure," I say.

"Killian, you and David could watch TV in the living room with Neal," Mom suggests.

"Uh, sure why not," Killian replies.

"Great we'll call you when dinner's ready," Mom informs the two men.

They start walking towards the living room and Killian turns his head to face me and mouths "Help me" to which I stifle a laugh. Once they're in the living room Mom turns to me.

"Come with me," I follow her into the kitchen. "The meal on tonight's menu is spaghetti!" I look at the stove and see that she's already begun boiling the noodles. "Now I need your help with the sauce."

"Alright but I'm not a chef, just to let you know."

"What are you talking about? You made some great meals back when it was just the two of us." My mind begins to flood of memories of before the curse, when Mary Margaret wasn't my mother but just a friend and a roommate.

"If you say so." We begin to put together the sauce when Mom starts talking again.

"Sooo, how was you're date last night? Judging by the call I got from Killian you had fun."

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