6: The Little Things

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(Emma's POV)
My alarm woke me up in the middle of an amazing dream, where I wasn't the saviour, no one tried to destroy the town and my loved ones, and there was no magic and everything was just normal. Good normal. God do I wish that it was like that. But unfortunately, my reality was a little different.

I finally gave in and got of my warm, cozy covers and was suddenly freezing cold. I take a nice hot shower to help warm me up and that did the trick. I get changed into a grey tank top before throwing a white sweater on top of it, along with some nice black leggings. I also put on socks and my boots, before I head downstairs to greet my family.

Dad is drinking his coffee on one stool and Mom is on the stool next to him holding baby Neal. Their heads swivel as soon as the stairs creak beneath my feet. They both smile and I return the gesture.

"Good morning Emma," Mom says.

"Morning," I say. "Where's Henry?"

"He's just in the washroom," Dad says. I nod my head before heading towards the coffee pot and making some for myself. I turn around and my eyes find Neal's, who's staring at me with wide eyes and a grin.

"Morning little guy," I say with a big smile and Neal gives me a big toothless smile back, which makes my smile grow bigger. I look at my parents "So any special plans for the day?"

"Nope just work," Dad says with a sarcastic grin. I groan and turn back around to fixate on my coffee. "I know, I know but hey, maybe something exciting will happen!"

"Doubtful," I mumble. I sigh and face them again. "I thought being a cop was going to be more fun."

"That's cause you watch too much TV," Dad says to which I roll my eyes.

My coffee finishes brewing so I pour it into a mug and add some milk and sugar. I start mixing the ingredients in with the coffee before it becomes a light shade of brown and that's when I take a sip. I can already feel the caffeine running through my veins when I set the mug down onto the counter.

Henry walks out of the washroom and we all look at him. A smile grows on my face. "Morning kid," I say and take another sip of my coffee.

"Morning," he says and makes his way to the fridge before grabbing an apple and taking a bite out of it. His phone goes off and he answers it before he announces, "Uh, I have to go to school."

"This early?" I ask, suspiciously.

"Yeah, I uh...I'm meeting someone," he grabs his bag off the ground and heads for the door.

"Hold on!" I say and he sighs. "Who exactly are you meeting?"

"Her name's Grace."

"So it's a her huh?" Mom concludes.

"Uh yeah, she's Jefferson's daughter."

Memories come back as to when he had kidnapped Mom and I to make him a hat. For his daughter. To take her home to their real home, so she knows who he is. "You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants a magical solution for their problem, and everyone refuses to believe in magic." His speech rang in my ears as if I had heard it just yesterday.

"She seems like a nice girl," I say. Henry begins to blush and I smile.

"Yeah, I gotta go," Henry says and opens the door.

"Go get her Henry!" My dad calls out as Henry shuts the door behind him. My mom rolls her eyes and laughs, and so do I. "Alright well we should probably take off too Emma."

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