20: The Battle Begins

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(Killian's POV)
I wake up the next morning filled with the same guilt as always, even more considering the fact that tomorrow's the deadline. Groaning I bury my face deeper in my pillow, wishing I could just disappear. But then, a thought popped into my mind that made me smile. I'm going to see Emma today. Since I didn't want to waste any time laying around here, I get dressed and rush through the rest of my morning routine.

After leaving my apartment, I head straight down to Granny's to pick something up for Emma and I. I thank Ruby for the meals before continuing my walk to Emma's cabin. The farther I walk into the woods the more excited I got to see my swan's face. Almost a week is too long to go without seeing the love of my life.

As soon as the cabin came into view, the smile that had already formed on my face, grew bigger (if that was possible), for a moment, it made me forget about all of my guilt and worries and I just focused on getting to that cabin. But as I grew closer, I felt as if something was off, although I had no idea why.

The first thing I notice when I climb the porch steps, was there was a note on the door, which made me grow suspicious and a bit worried. I set down the bag of food on the porch and approach the door, ripping the note off. I begin to read it:


I am sorry that I was unable to see you today, I was really looking forward to it. But I've made a decision and it couldn't wait. Please don't get mad when you read what I'm about to say. Ever since I've been stuck in this cabin, I've felt as if I wasn't doing my job, as if I was a failure, because the saviour is supposed to be someone who protects and saves others but I wasn't doing either. I needed to find a way to save you myself.

That's why, I've decided to fight Liam myself.

I know that it's dangerous and I know that I might get myself killed, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. This is my duty as the saviour, I must protect the town. I must protect those I love. Killian, I am so sorry. But I want you to know that whatever happens, it is not your fault. This is my decision, my choice. Whatever happens will be on me. Please don't try to come after me, it will only make things worse.

In case I don't survive, I want you to know that I love you so much Killian, and I always will. I never thought I could ever fall for someone after Neal, but I did. You're my true love. Please tell my parents, Henry and Neal that I love them all so much and I'm so sorry but this is just something I have to do.

If I never see you all again, then this is goodbye.


Before I even got to the end of the letter, tears began clouding my vision, but I never let one fall until the end. I stumble back and have to hold the wall of the cabin for balance. I grip the note hard in my hand. There were too many emotions running around my head to think straight and I thought my knees were going to break. But I stood standing. It felt as though my whole body was shaking,

"No," I whisper. "I will not lose you too." I don't care if she told me not to go after her, I will not let her die.

Just like that, I race to the town to inform the rest of the group and find a way to find her, who knows where she could be. Swan, what have you done.

(Emma's POV)
I venture through the woods, trying to put as much distance between the cabin and I as possible, with only one thought in my head and that was to stop Liam, no matter what it takes. Eventually, I find an empty spot in the woods that was far enough away from the town, from civilization. This should work.

"Liam! I know you're out there! Come out!" I yelled. Let's hope he heard that.

"At long last, we finally meet," A voice from behind me says. The voice sent chills up my spine and gave me goosebumps. The hairs on my neck instantly flew up. It's him all right. I slowly turn around and come face to face with Liam. He stands there with a smile that creeps me out and dressed in a long black coat. And his eyes, it was like they were looking straight into my soul. If he was going for the whole evil look, he nailed it. I hid my slight fear, and the determination from before quickly returned. "Well, in person that is."

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