13: A True Orphan

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(Emma's POV)
It was dark. All I could hear, was screaming. I felt like I was melting, it was so hot. Suddenly, images flashed through my mind of my family. I saw them in pain. All I could do was watch when all I wanted was to save them, but no words left my mouth, my body was frozen still.

All of a sudden the screaming turned into shouting:
"Save us!"
"Swan, please!"

I felt hot tears hit my cheek as I began to silently cry. 'I'm sorry' I wanted to say. I could recognize all of their voices and soon the images in my head appeared in front of me. I saw all of them; Regina, Robin, my parents, Henry, Killian. And I couldn't do anything.

Then the visions of them all disappeared. Now all I could see was Regina with Robin at her side.

"You're no saviour!" She sneered. "You left us all to die! I should have killed you when I had the chance!"

My voice was still gone, I could see the anger within both of their eyes. 'I'm so sorry!' I scream in my head.

Then, the couple vanishes. "You shouldn't have come back," my body forced myself to turn and I saw my parents, my mother holding Neal. "You deserved to be an orphan! We did the right thing, abandoning you. And you had to ruin it by coming back!" My father shouted. I whimpered. 'How could they say that to me?' I felt myself grow angry but that was covered by sadness.

"Replacing you with Neal is the best thing I've ever done," My mother said. "We love him, but you will always remain unloved! You're no daughter of mine, just a pitiful orphan! And when you had your chance to redeem yourself, you chose to watch us suffer!"

Then they too disappeared. My head ached with all of the crying I was doing. 'Why are they saying these things to me?!'

"How could you?!" I whipped my head around and saw my son, glaring at me. "First you abandon me, then you just let me die! What kind of a mother are you?!"

'Henry, no, you don't understand!' I wanted to scream, not my son too.

"You are not my mother. You gave that up when you left me, all of those years ago!" He shouted. "I never should have come to find you, I'll always regret that. I never want to see you again!"

'No, Henry, please!' My knees were shaking, but I couldn't collapse. My son disappeared and I was crying hysterically.

"Well isn't this a sight," I heard that familiar accent and my head turned around one final time to see him, standing there, smirking. "The saviour, with no one left to save."

'Please no, not you too!'

"You know, I pity you. That's the only reason I ever claimed to love you, it was all pity. And maybe a bit of my own enjoyment," Killian said. 'Now, you're the only one I have left!'

"And when I was beginning to think that you were tolerable, you go ahead and watch as I suffer! I was screaming out to you to help me, but you didn't care did you?! Now whatever feelings I may or may not have had for you, are gone!" He inched forward.

Anger boiled within me again but I was to sad to care. 'I thought he was different, that we had something.'

He was now inches away from my face. "Now you have no one, and all you can blame is yourself. You will always remain, an unloved, pitiful orphan," When he said that whatever was left of my heart was crushed, I didn't think I could take any more of this. He vanished and all I could do was cry.

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