24: Reunited and It Feels So Good

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I'm alive!

Yes, I know I haven't written anything in a few months and I know it was really unexpected. I'm sorry for that. Honestly it wasn't even planned, I just didn't have as much motivation to write.

On top of that, I realized I really needed to focus on school, which sucked but anyways. I'm currently in the middle of exam week, however after that I swear I'll try to be more active!

Back to the story (hope you enjoy!)...

(Killian's POV)
My heart pumps with adrenaline as I race across Storybrooke towards Gold's shop. There is only one thing on my mind and it's Emma. I need to see her. I need to see her alive.

I slow down as I near the shop of my enemy, coming to a full stop outside of the shop. I pause to catch my breath before reaching for the doorknob. Slowly, I start to think through the situation and as the cold doorknob is surrounded by my palm, I begin to think of what could happen. What if this didn't work? What if they're wrong? What if I lose Emma forever?

I shake my head. To hell with the the 'what if's'! I whip open the door and run to Gold's back room. There, in what looked to be a peaceful sleep, was my swan. My true love. Gods was she beautiful. A bloody goddess and she was in love with me of all people. It astounds me each day.

And I miss her. I miss her like hell. It didn't matter that it hadn't even been a day since I'd last spoken to her. And those were under grim circumstances. My last real conversation with her had been over a phone call. And before that it had been almost a week. Some would say that that was not a long time but to me it felt like centuries. And considering I've been alive for centuries, I would know.

I lean down, now on my knees, as I lift my hand to caress her cheek. I hadn't realized the rest of the group had entered until David spoke. "Shouldn't she be awake by now?" David asks the crocodile.

"Patience, your majesty," Rumple replies, clearly annoyed.

Come on, swan. Wake up. I hadn't realized that there were tears in my eyes until one broke free, making its way down the side of my face. The what if's from before come back and I'm not sure if I would be able to hold back the rest of the tears for much longer. I reach for her hand and grip it tenderly, ignoring the cold. "Come back to me, swan," I whisper. "Please...come back to me."

A few moments passed and nothing happens. No! This has to work. It has to! "Why isn't it bloody working?!" I direct my question to Gold. It takes everything I have to hold back my tears, building up within my eyes.

"Patience," Gold sneers. I turn my head toward him, about to argue because my patience has long since been lost, when I hear something that stops the words from escaping my lips. Stops my heart entirely. A gasp.

My head whips back 'round just in time to see her eyes, her gorgeous, forest green eyes, open wide. A smile breaks out and forms upon my lips. Slowly, the colour that had recently been drained from her was returned. She looks at me and I smile even wider. "Killian?" she says, seeming a little confused as to how she ended up here, glancing around the shop, and more importantly how she was even alive.

"Swan," I finally released the hold I had on my tears and allowed them to fall, too happy to care. I engulf her in a hug, holding on tightly--maybe a little too tightly--afraid she might slip away again. She's alive. Emma's alive. "You're okay."

Through her haze of confusion, Emma was still able to return his hug. "Killian, you're crushing me," she says after a few moments. My eyes widen and I release her. "I'm sorry I just--" but I am cut off by her lips on his. A throat clearing refrains the kiss from getting more heated.

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