12: Research

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(Third person's POV)
After Killian left to go to Emma, Regina headed off to see Robin and explain what had just occurred. She opens the door to her house and calls out, "Robin?" Soon a face appears from around the corner, but it was not Robin.

"Mom, you're back. What happened?" Henry said as soon as he saw his mother.

"I'll explain in a minute--" she was cut off by two my figures approaching her.

"Gina's back!" Roland exclaims and ran up to hug her, but since he's so small, he mostly just hugged her legs. Regina bent down so that her and the little boy were now eye to eye.

"Hey Roland!" Regina says with open arms and Roland ran in for a proper hug. She glances up at Robin who couldn't be more pleased at the sight. When Roland finally pulls back from the hug, Robin says, "What were you going to explain?"

The four of them entered the living room before Robin told Roland to play elsewhere of the time being so that the adults (and Henry) could talk. So they all took a seat either in the couch or a chair as Regina began to brief them on what happened. After a while, not much was said before Henry spoke, "So do you think he'll find my mom?"

"No, Emma's in a very safe place and even if he does somehow manage to find her, good luck breaking her protection spell," Regina assures her son.

"Do you have a plan on how we could stop him?" Robin asked.

"Well, it's not so much of a plan, rather a potential clue," Regina asked. Robin and Henry shared confused looks before Regina explained, "Who's the one person in this town who seems to know everything about everyone?"


"Gold?" Regina shouts as she enters Gold's shop, while Robin waited outside for her. They decided it would be better if Henry stayed home to watch Roland. "You in here?"

The floorboards creaked and she whips her heads to see Gold emerging from the back room. "How may I be of assistance?" He says with a wide grin.

"I'm sure you've heard of Storybrooke's newest arrival by now."

"Ah yes! The long lost Jones brother seeking revenge on the pirate. My wife told me all about that, although I'm rather disappointed that the news came to me so indirectly."

"Would've invited you to the search party but quite frankly I didn't know you cared."

"I don't care for search parties, they're a waste of time. Although, I am quite curious, what did you find?" 

"That's what I came to talk to you about," Regina explains, taking a step closer to Gold. "When we asked him who he was working for, he didn't say, which is no surprise at all. But then I thought, who seems to hate the pirate more than anyone else? And now, here I am."

"You think I'm working with him? I'm a changed man."

"Maybe the bookworm believes that, but I know too much of the old you to ever believe it," Regina squints her eyes at him. "Now why not the truth, this time?"

"Sorry dearie, but your finger's pointing in the wrong direction."

"Well if it isn't you, then who?"

"That I'm afraid, is knowledge in which I don't have."

"Fine," Regina began walking away but then turned back around. "If I find out that you're lying, which I will, don't expect mercy."

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