7: Storybrooke's Newest Arrival

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(Killian's POV)
I whip my head around to face the man. He's standing not 10 feet away from me, wearing a smirk upon his smug-looking face. He doesn't look much taller than me and he has a long black coat draped over his slim shoulders. Hidden beneath the coat I could see a hint of a necklace before it was once again covered by the coat.

"Who are you, and how do you know me?" My eyebrows draw together in confusion. I stand up from the bench and walk around it. I've never seen this man in Storybrooke before.

"I'm someone from long ago, someone you probably thought you'd never see again, or at least never cared to see again," the man replies. I squint my eyes, trying to fit the pieces of this puzzle together. Who is this man? Apparently my confusion is funny, because the man's smirk grows. "Having a little trouble remembering me there, captain?"

"I apologize, but I have no memory of ever meeting you before."

"Well let me give you a little hint. I was only a lad the last you saw me, when you came along and ruined my life," he growls, anger laced in every word he spits at me. "One final hint, I believe you knew my father?" My confusion remains. "His name was none other than Brennan Jones."

That's when it hits me. The pieces of the puzzle finally joining together, and right in front of me was the big picture. My eyes widen and I stumble back. "No," I whisper. "Liam?"

"So you've finally figured it out! How wonderful!" Liam claps his hands together and a dark smile appears on his face. "Hello brother."

"But--how did you find me? How are you here?"

"That's not important. What is important, is what I came here to do," he asserts, evil filling his eyes. "Do you know what it's like? To wake up and find your father dead outside! Huh? Did you even consider the fact that I was now an orphan with no where to go without a single clue as to why my father was now dead?!"

Regret flooded me as the memory of my past enters my mind, something I never wanted to think about or be reminded of again. "Look Liam--"

"No! No, you don't get to talk," Liam calms himself down and then looks me dead in the eye. He regains his dark smile. "The reason why I'm here is really quite simple. I want to ruin your life as you did mine. I want to destroy your happy ending and make you feel the pain that I've felt all these years." Panic floods my chest and I have a hard time standing. "I want to see you suffer."

"I'm sorry--"

"My mind is made up and no pitiful apologies will be able to change it." His eyes turn almost red but in the blink of eye they're back to their normal brown. "Ta ta."

And just like that, he disappears into a cloud of dark grey. My legs give out and soon my knees hit the ground. My body's shaking and I can't see straight. "I want to make you suffer." Liam's words still ring in my ear. As soon as I'm thinking clearly or clearer than before at least, I assess the situation. Liam wants revenge. He somehow has magic and that makes him even more dangerous. He wants to ruin my life and destroy my happy ending.

My eyes widen at that last part and I cut myself from any other thoughts before I start bolting away from the docks.

(Emma's POV)
My parents and I are having a nice conversation around the counter when we're cut off by a loud pounding at the door. I give my parents a wary look before opening the door.

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