25: We Are Family

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(Killian's POV)
Hand in hand, Emma and I walk in to see the gang sat around a table in the middle of Granny's. Nearby, Rumple and Belle are seated in their own booth. At one end of the table sits David, beside him is Snow and baby Neal, sitting in his own chair and table--apparently it's called a "high chair"--who seems happy to be here and to be apart of something. Henry is seated across from Regina, who's seated between Snow and Robin. Roland sits in a chair beside his father.

There are two vacant seats beside Henry, meant for Emma and I. "Hey guys!" Snow says excitedly once she sees us. Being the gentleman I am, I pull Emma's seat out for her (beside her lad) which causes her to blush. I notice she tries to hide a small smile but fails miserably. Once she's seated, I take seat beside her.

"Shall we order dinner now?" David asks the table.

"Yes please! I've been craving a grilled cheese with onion rings all day!" Emma announces. Everyone chuckles including myself. "You're always craving that," I say to her.

"And for good reason," Emma informs me and I laugh. While waiting for our food, everyone starts to get into an animated conversation. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Roland looking bored and since I'm not really into the conversation, I decide to have some fun with him.

"Hey Roland," I say to the boy, causing him to glance up. I then proceed in making faces and saying things that cause the boy to laugh. Once Roland's in a happier mood, he pulls up his colouring book and shows me his drawings.

"This one, is a monkey. An-and this one is the sun!" he points to his pictures, that clearly were helped by adults in some cases and scribbled by him in others. Still, I compliment him on a job well done, causing a smile to break out on the lad's face, showing his dimples. He seems proud of his work.

Roland continues to show me his works of art, when I see Emma in the corner of my eye. I glance her way to see her looking at me in admiration. I throw a smile her way along with a wink before refocusing on Roland.

Our food arrives and Roland's too distracted with his pasta to notice me ease my way back into the adult conversation. "I'm telling you! I walked in on Leroy singing 'Baby' in a high-pitched voice and now he's pissed at me!" David tells Robin. Bloody hell, what has been going on here?

"Grandpa, no disrespect and all, but we live in the same loft. Don't you think I can hear you sing every time you're in the shower?" Henry says. Robin and I burst out laughing while Emma and Snow nod at David, confirming his fears, while trying to contain their own laughter. Regina tries to hide her laughter behind her hand. Even Neal looks starts laughing.

"Turned my own son against me," David mutters. Robin and I share a secret glance before looking at Henry.

"So, Henry, when your grandfather sings, what kind of songs does he sing?" Robin asks, while I try to hide my snicker.

"Well he--"

"Henry don't answer that," David begs his grandson.

"Now now Dave, let the lad talk," I encourage. The prince glares at me while I just throw him a smile.

"Mostly pop songs," Henry answers vaguely, trying to save his grandfather the embarrassment. Robin and I encourage  the boy to be more specific and soon Henry can't help himself. "Like 'Sexyback'!"

"And 'I will always love you'"! Emma pitches in.

"And 'Let it go'!" Snow adds in.

"Snow!" David shouts, feeling betrayed by his whole family. His cheeks were pink with embarrassment while Robin, Regina, Emma and I were trying to remain in our chairs. We all succeed but Robin who falls on his ass. He soon found himself lying down, clutching his stomach from the laughter. Henry is also laughing quite hard, Snow is trying her best to control herself while Neal giggled away in his chair, banging on his little table. Roland looks up from his meal from the noise and begins laughing at the sight of his father.

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