17: "Accidents"

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(Killian's POV)
Slowly I wake up to the blinding light leaking in through my window. I groan and bury my head deeper into the pillow. Getting up was surprisingly difficult this morning, I've lost a lot of hope over the past couple of days with little to no information on how to defeat Liam. And the guilt has yet to cease.

Once I manage to get up, I make myself some cereal with some orange juice. I sit at my little table and just think back to what my life was like before Liam arrived. When I saw Emma almost every day, she was with her family, I was working on my ship and everyone was happy. It'd hard to imagine that that was just 4 days ago.

And now the whole town is going to suffer. But we still didn't have anything on how to stop Liam. Just then a voice echoed in my head. It's your job to stop him and make things right with him, I realize that the voice belongs to Belle and I think back to yesterday's conversation with her. "She's right," I mumble. "It's my job to stop him."

It may not be the best plan or even a good one at that, but it's the one I'm going to do. I quickly toss my dishes into the sink and get dressed. Once ready, I open up the door and walk out, determined to finish this.

(Third Person's POV)
David and Snow wake up and after getting ready for the day, they decide to head down to the Sheriff's station. So they drop Neal off with Blue and make their way to the station. David unlocks the door and they both enter the building.

"Why are we here again?" Snow asks.

"I just need to check up on any missed phone calls or important files that may have arrived then we can do something more entertaining I promise," David replies with a smile.

"Alright," Snow says and flashes her husband a smile back. After looking through some papers on his desk, David checks on any messages left on the phone.

"I don't see any--" Just then the phone rings, cutting David off. He gestured for his wife to approach him and then he answers it and puts it on speaker phone. "Hello Sheriff's station, how may I help you?"

"There's been an accident, someone's crashed their car into a building!" A male voice came through the phone.

"Is anyone hurt?" David asks.

"The driver's gone unconscious and he has a big bash in his head, I-I don't know what to do," The man's voice begins to grow more panicked.

"Sir just stay calm, where are you?"

"I-I'm a block away from the clock tower on Main Street."

"We're on our way," David hangs up the phone. "Would you like to come?"

"Sure," Snow says. David grabs her hand and then they hop into the sheriff's police car. They drive to the spot where the man said he was and sure enough, there was a small red car crashed into a window of a boutique. They see an ambulance pull up the same time as them and the nurses lift the driver onto a stretcher and into the ambulance. The ambulance then drives to the hospital.

David and Snow approach the scene and a man widens his eyes and approach them. "Thank god you're here," he says.

"What happened?" Snow says.

"Well, I was going on my jog as I do every morning and I see a car driving full speed down the road and he doesn't slow down. The man begins honking his horn repeatedly but doesn't slow down and so I jump out of the way and the car drives straight into this boutique," the man explains.

"So you're saying the man purposely drove into this shop?" David asks.

"I don't know but I think that if he were planning on driving the car into this shop, he would've jumped out of the car," the man states.

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