10: The Hunt

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(Killian's POV)
Since I couldn't fall back asleep, I tried to watch TV but I couldn't focus on the show, for my mind kept wandering off and I would remember the nightmares. So, since nobody else in the town was awake yet, I just tried to entertain myself some other way.

Eventually it was 7:00 a.m so I figured maybe I could go down and eat something at Granny's. I quickly change before I leave my apartment. I walk in to see only a few people in the diner, none of which I recognize. I saunter over to the counter and take a seat on a stool.

Ruby approached me with a perky smile. "Hey Killian! What could I get for you this morning?" she asks.

"The usual drink and some buttered toast, thanks," I reply. She nods her head and walks into the kitchen.

Patiently, I wait for Ruby to return and when she does, she has my usual drink and a plate of toast.

"Here you are," she says as she sets the plate down in front of me. I nod my thanks and take a bite of toast. "So what's going on with you lately?"

"Uhhh, it's complicated," I respond, not wanting to explain the situation with Liam, again. And not wanting to think about said situation

"Sounds fun," she replies sarcastically. "What about you and Emma? Anything going on there?"

My eyes light up at the sound of her name. "Uhh, it's good. I mean, it's kind of a complicated situation at the moment but other than that, it's going really well."

"Good to hear. You guys make a cute couple," she gives me a wink before wandering back into the kitchen. I finish my toast and refreshment before leaving some money and exiting the diner. I call David.


"Good morning Dave," I answer. He sighs at the nickname.

"Hello Killian, what did you need?"

"I was just wondering where we were going to meet. You know to figure out a way to defeat my half-brother."

"Oh, uh, here's good."

"Alright, see you then," I hang up the phone and make my way into towards the loft.


David opens the door and I walk right in. "Alright so is Regina here yet?"

"Hello Killian. Why of course you can come in, thanks for asking!" David replies sarcastically before shutting the door.

"Is Regina here?" I repeat.

"No, not yet," he says and walks around the kitchen counter. I take a seat on a stool in front of him.

"Oh, hi Killian! I didn't hear you come in," Snow says as she emerges from her bedroom holding baby Neal. But not in her usual cheerful tone, now it almost seems forced. Probably because Emma's not here anymore. More guilt begins to eat up my insides. "Would you like something to eat or drink?"

"No thank you, I'm good," I reply. I didn't really know what to say to them. Usually Emma would do most of the talking and I'd just throw in the occasional comment or two on the topic. Thankfully I didn't have to worry about that for too long, because soon Regina walks in.

"Where's Robin?" David asks.

"He's watching Henry and Roland," Regina responds. "Now let's get down to business before we end up talking about our day over hot cocoa or whatever you people do to waste time."

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