18: The truth comes out

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(Third Person's POV)
On their walk, they start talking. "Do you think that Liam could've been involved in the accident?" Snow asks her husband.

"I think that he was trying to send us a message, that that car accident was only a small example of what he could do to the people of Storybrooke if we don't give into his demands," David says.

"You're not actually considering giving him our daughter, are you?"

"No of course not! I would never let that happen! We just need to be prepared for anything else Liam throws our way. Don't forget that he said he was going to kill us all, starting with you." David looks worriedly at his wife.

"We're not going to let that happen either, don't worry." Snow gives him a smile and grabs his hand and squeezes it.

"I know." He smiles back. "So, does a walk in the park sound good to you?"

"It's sounds great." She gives him a kiss on the cheek and then rests her head on his shoulder. They make their way down Main Street and towards the park. Once they reach the end, they take a left turn to get to the entrance of the park. They continue walking along the street when suddenly Snow widens her eyes and gasps audibly.

"What? What is it, what's wrong?" David asks with concern.

"Is that--" David follows his wife's gaze and his eyes widen as well.

"Oh my god." They both rush over to Killian, who remains unconscious. "Hook, wake up," David says and shakes him, attempting to wake him up.

"David, he's really hurt. What do you think happened to him?"

"I have no idea."

(Killian's POV)
All there is, is darkness. I don't know where I am or how long I've been here. The darkness remains and there is nothing but utter silence. That is until, two familiar voices cut through the silence. I can't make out what they're saying at first, but slowly it becomes more clear. I hear them saying my name.

I have no idea where they're coming from, but I can finally recognize the voices. It's Snow and David. My eyes widen and I could feel myself beginning to wake up.

With a gasp, I wake up and the pain from which had knocked me unconscious, all came back so suddenly and I let out a groan.

"Killian, you're awake!" Snow exclaims.

"What happened to you?" David asks.

I try to lift up my head and I clench my jaw in pain and squeeze my eyes shut. "I-I tried to...to talk to Liam," I say, my voice sounding raspy. It hurts to talk but I push through the pain. "He didn't react well to that."

"Why would you do that? Especially alone?" David asks in confusion.

"I just," I harshly suck in a breath of air. "I wanted to see if it'd make a difference." Slowly I try to stand up and I press my lips together, trying not to scream.

"I really don't think you should be walking. You need to go to the hospital--" Snow tries to suggest.

"No, no, I'm fine. Really, I am." I push back the pain and take a step. Slowly, I get used to the pain and begin walking.

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