15: The Importance of Family

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Sorry for taking so long to update! But some of my family was in town and I wanted to spend time with them. So, without further ado, here's the chapter.

(Killian's POV)
As I enter the Charmings loft after being let in by Snow, I sense a change in the atmosphere. Everyone looks like they've been through a lot. David and Snow, with Neal, are leaning against the kitchen counter. Snow's trying to cheer up her husband but David doesn't seem to be getting any happier.

Robin and Regina are both sitting on stools, their eyes drilling a hole into the floor with their intense stares. Henry's also sitting on a stool next to his mother.

When I enter the apartment, Henry looks up at me. I can tell that he hates seeing his family this upset when he can do nothing to help them. I give the lad a sad smile and he smiles back. I try not to look as distraught as everyone else, for the boy's sake, but it's proven difficult. My mind just keeps circling back to the dream I had.

Finally Snow breaks the deadly silence. "I think we should inform the town on what's happening." Everyone's attention directs towards her. "They deserve to know, and they should also know to be careful."

"All that would do is cause a riot!" Regina argues.

"I agree with Snow, the people of Storybrooke need to know the truth," David says.

"You mean that there's a man roaming the streets who possesses magic and can make them see visions of their worst nightmare and could quite possibly kill them? That truth!?" Regina continues to defend her side.

"I agree with the Charmings, we should tell them," I state.

"Regina, it couldn't possibly go that terribly. At least this way we can inform them to stay on high alert of any mysterious men," Robin tries to convince his girlfriend.

"Mom, it's the right thing to do," Henry pipes in.

Regina finally lets out a sigh. "Fine, fine you're right. But if anything goes wrong, I won't be afraid to say I told you so,"

"Great, so we could all go down to city hall and hold the meeting there," Snow says.

"Actually, I won't be joining you," I announce.

"Why not? Where are you going?" David asks.

"I'll be helping Belle down at the library. Seems the lass is having a difficult time trying to find research so maybe I could help her out," I explain.

"I won't be coming with you guys either," Henry says.

"What? Now where will you be running off to?" Regina questions the boy.

"I was hoping I could spend some time with my mom, I haven't visited her yet so I figured now would be the best time," Henry explains.

"Alright," Regina turns to me. "Will you make sure he gets there safely?"


"Henry there is a villain out there who's seeking revenge. Who knows if he'll leave you alone just because you're a kid? And if he knows that you're Emma's son, that puts a big target on you back," Regina interrupts him. I swallow hard, feeling the guilt begin to rise once more. What if he does want to harm the lad?

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to the lad. I'll make sure he gets there alright," I vow.

"Thanks," Regina says, sincerely. "Alright we should probably get going."

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