11: Netflix and chill

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(Killian's POV)
We all stood there, stunned, as the grey smoke vanished. It felt like there was this massive weight on me and I couldn't move, I kept repeating the same thing in my head over and over again: "It's all your fault! You brought this upon all of these innocent people! They'll die because of you! You're a monster! It's all your fault!" I stood there, stiff and frozen, and it looks like I wasn't the only. After a while Regina broke the eerie silence.

"Well that went well," she says with a sigh. "Does anyone have a plan? Some ideas at least?"

"I think we should just go home and regroup tomorrow," David suggests. "Snow and I could go ask Belle if she's found anything yet."

"Regina, you should probably go update Robin on this new situation," Snow tells her.

"Yeah okay," Regina says.

A thought popped into my head and I urge my body to move until I'm walking away from everyone.

"HOOK!" David shouts and I cringe at hearing that moniker.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Regina demands.

I turn around. "To make sure that he wasn't lying and that Liam doesn't just know who Emma is," I can see confusion in their eyes before that changes to realization and I start heading towards the north woods.

(Emma's POV)
I wake up to the blinding sunlight pouring in through the window. Damn it, forgot to close the drapes. I groan and let my head hit the pillow. I close my eyes and try to think of something that might put me sleep, a boring story maybe? But it was no use. I'm awake.

I practically roll out of my bed and trudge to the kitchen. I lazily just pour myself a bowl of cereal and grab an apple before sitting down and devouring my meal. I then get up and, feeling a bit more energetic, walk into the quaint little washroom.

I feel the water until it turns hot and then begin to take my morning shower. It wakes me up and relaxes my muscles. After my shower, I put on some comfortable sweatpants (cause why not?) and a t-shirt, before walking into the living room.

"Alright," I say to no one but myself. "I've got about," I pull out my phone and read the time '8:30'. "Oh god." I've honestly never been this bored in my life. "I guess I'll just watch some Netflix."

Taking a seat on the couch, I cross my legs and grab a remote. I search through TV shows until I come across one of which I haven't seen before. I click on a horror show and read the description before clicking play.

About 10 minutes in, the main character is holding a gun at a garage door, waiting for the thing chasing him to appear. The background music grows eerie. I watch, waiting for something to happen and then I hear a knock at the door and I scream before jumping out of my seating position and falling off the couch.

I groan and hit pause on the show as I quickly realize what this means. Someone's at my door. I start to panic, wait, what if it's someone I know, like Belle yesterday. I'm not taking any chances and I raise my hands at the door, pondering on whether to open it or not. The person knocks again, making me jump, and says in a familiar accent, "Swan it's me! Open the door!"

I lower my hands and cautiously open the door in case it's a trick. Relief seems to flood him and he has a small smile on his face as he says "Thank god you're okay."

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask.

"Uh, right. There's something I need to tell you," I open the door to allow him to enter the cabin.

"Killian, what's going on?" Worry is all that is in my mind as we both take a seat on the couch.

"We, uh, we found Liam today," he announces. My eyes widen.

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