26: Secrets Revealed

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(Emma's POV)
A smell drifts through the room and enters my nose, awakening me from my deep sleep. I squint my eyes open and look around, realizing Killian must be the culprit for the aroma as he is no longer in bed. I sniff, soon recognizing the scent and smile. Throwing on one of Killian's shirt, I leave the room.

My suspicions are confirmed when I find Killian making pancakes. Quietly, I make my way towards him, wrapping my arms around his middle. "Good morning," I say.

"Good morning love." I peck him on the cheek before sitting on one of the stools. "I think I've got the hang of using this stove now."

"Isn't it hard to use with one hand?"

"At first but I've had a lot of practise using one hand when I was at sea. You of all people should know that I only need one hand," he hints at before throwing a wink my way. I roll my eyes but can't help the blush that creeps up to my cheeks. "You look rather sexy in my shirt. I think I like it better on you then on me." That comment did not help with the blushing. I could practically see his smirk.

I've got to hand it to him, for someone who's relatively new to the 21st century, he makes a mean pancake. "So what are your plans for the day?" He asks me.

"Well unfortunately I have work," I reply as I place the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Great, mind if I come with?"

"No, but why?" Turning around to face him, I figure out the answer before he responds.

"I want to talk to Liam. I need answers and, after all, he is still my brother."

"I get that. Alright, we'll leave in ten minutes. And if you're not ready by then, I'm leaving without you," I joke, acting serious.

"Yes ma'am." He smiles and kisses me too quickly before heading to get changed.

"Dork," I laugh.


(Killian's POV)
As Emma and I pull up to the station in her bug, my mind is filled with questions to ask my half brother. One stands out amung them all: can he be trusted? And if so, does he really deserve a second chance?

My thoughts are paused when Emma's hand is on mine. "Hey, it's going to be fine. I'll be right in there with you." She gives me a small smile.

I smile back. "Right, I don't know why I'm nervous," I shake my head. The truth is, I did. Because in that station lies my only living relative. My brother. But a brother who sought revenge against me and the reason why I almost lost the most important person in my life.

"You have every reason to be. Just know that whatever happens, I'm right here." She gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks, love. I don't know what I'd do without you." She squeezes my hand before exiting the car. I follow suit.

Our hands reconnect as we walk up the stairs toward the station door. I hesitate. Glancing at Emma, she gives me a reassuring smile. I nod my head and let out a breath before pushing open the doors.

My eyes immediately land on Liam lying down in one of the cells. As soon as he hears us enter, his head whips towards us. The guilt and shame are still evident in his eyes, along with fear. Emma looks at me and asks, "Did you want to talk to him in the interrogation room or here?"

"Here's fine love." She nods her head before handing Liam some sort of food for breakfast along with a bottle of water. I believe it's called a pop tart. When she gives him the food, he gives the food an odd and untrusting look. "It's called a pop tart. Don't worry, it's safe to eat," Emma explains. He takes the food and looks at her with loads of guilt.

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