14: Your Worst Nightmare

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(Killian's POV)
I exit Regina's house and make my way down to the docks. As I near the docks, I hear laughter. I round the corner of the first empty garage along the water, but I see no one. I hear the laughter once again. I walk along the row of garages and the noise gets louder and louder until I realize it's coming from my garage.

Once I enter, I see my friends, some working on my boat and others taking a break with a beer on their hand as they talk with one another.

"Hey! It's Killian!" I hear Garry announce. I turn my head and see him with Bill and Darrell, all with a beer in hand. They wave me over.

"How long have you guys been here?" I ask as I approach them.

"Oh, I'd say 'bout an hour or so," Darrell answers.

"This early?" I point to the beers.

"Relax, live a little!" Garry exclaims and laughs before offering me a beer. I pass. "More for me then."

"So, Killian where've you been mate?" Bill asks.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you guys about." My demeanour becomes more serious. "I need a favour. From all of you, actually." I shout that last part and everyone rotates their heads to face me.

"Whatever it is, we've got your back," Garry says and grasps my shoulder. Darrell and Bill both nod their heads in confirmation. I look around and everyone seems to be gathered around me. There's maybe 10 of them, twelve even. "Alright, I'll explain."

After my brief summary they all show, almost pity, for me and some worry. "Don't worry, Killian. We'll help you defeat him, right boys?"

"Aye!" Everyone shouts in agreement and it reminds me of my crew back when we were on the Jolly Roger. I smile.

"Alright then, everyone grab a weapon, something to defend yourselves with," I shout.

Everyone scrambles for something, some grab tools, others smash their beer bottles and grasp the tops and some pull out pocketknives.

"Ready boys?" I shout.

"Aye!" They reply with, which gives me more confidence.

"Follow me! And be look out for anyone suspicious!" Everyone exits the garage, with me as the leader. Garry, Bill and Darrell close behind me.

We start making our way across the docks and continuing onto the beach. We haven't even been walking for 10 minutes when we hear: "Well, well, well, seems you've brought back-up. Not strong enough to handle me on your own, I see."

I growl before turning to see Liam, smug as ever.

"I've got to say, not a very impressive group. I'm disappointed in you Killian. Thought you'd do better. Then again, I also thought you'd be smart enough to give in to my demands already and give me the girl, but seeing as how you haven't done that yet, not too shocked."

"You're not going anywhere near her," I growl.

"Or what? You'll poke me with your hook? I'm so scared," Liam laughs. "I will find your girlfriend and I will make her suffer as you did me."

I fume with anger. Don't let him get inside your head, Killian. "Just leave Emma and the rest of Storybrooke alone and deal with me instead. They've done nothing wrong," I try to reason with my insane half-brother.

"Nah, I like my way better. Besides, torture is a much worse fate than death and that's all I've ever wanted for you Killian." He smiles wickedly, which turns into a twisted smirk.

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