5: Whistle While You Work

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(Killian's POV)
The shrill sound of my alarm clock jolts me out of my sleep. I swear one day I'm going to toss that bloody thing out the window. I groan and pound my fist against the snooze button multiple times before it finally shuts up. I run my hand through my messy hair and lick my lips.

I sit up and the bed squeaks beneath me. My feet feel cold as I stand up from my bed and onto the wooden floor. I head towards the washroom.

My body relaxes as the hot water hits my skin. I stay in the shower until the water runs cold and then I dry myself off. Once I have my white shirt and jeans on, I return to the washroom to fix my hair and apply a bit of eyeliner on. I realize that it is make-up and not exactly masculine but damn do I look sexy with it on.

I give myself a wink through the mirror and exit the washroom. I throw on my leather jacket and head down to Granny's.


Ruby greets me as I approach the counter. "The usual I assume?" She says with a grin.

"Aye." I pull my phone out of my pocket and try to turn it on. It doesn't take me long, so I just check out some of the apps I didn't know were there when the bell above the door rings. I glance up from my phone but only to immediately avert my gaze from the couple and back to the phone.

Rumple and Belle take a seat in a nearby booth and I face the wall behind the counter, hoping that they don't approach me. My prayers were answered when Ruby hands me my drink. I thank her and exit the diner without so much of a nod towards the happy couple.

Don't get me wrong, Belle's a nice girl but when she's with the crocodile I don't like to start up a conversation. I arrive at the docks not a minute before my regular time and start working.

My job at the docks isn't the most fun but it's something to do and it pays well. Plus I love being near the water and the only other job was a fisherman and being on a boat that smells like rotting fish all day doesn't appeal to me. All of my responsibilities are pretty easy to do. I tend to the sailboats mostly, making sure there's nothing wrong with them and that they're clean.

I also rent boats to people, mostly couples or solo fishermen but there have been children here before. Since the boss isn't here most of the time and there aren't a ton of other men working during the same shifts as me, I have a lot of free time on my hands. Lately, I've been using that time to start building a boat of my own that, if I'm lucky, could be a ship one day. It'll take me a while to do on my own but it'll be worth it when it's done.

I store it in one of the empty garages near the docks so I tend to spend most of my time at work there. I open the door to the garage and turn on the lights which flicker before remaining on. She's exactly where I left her. I get straight to work. I throw out my empty coffee cup and grab my tools.

I work until lunch and then quickly grab a sandwich and a beer from a fridge I found and filled. I devour the sandwich and bring my beer with me when I go back to work. I work for a full hour on the boat until there's a knock on my door.

"The guys and I were wonder--the hell are you doing?" One of the men who works during the same shift as me saunters in. He looks as if he was in his late thirties or so.

"I--uh--" I clear my throat. "I'm building a ship."

"It looks a little small for a ship," the man says with a grin and chuckles.

"Yeah well," I chuckle as well. "It's going to take a while until it's ready especially with just me."

"How 'bout the guys and I help you with it?"

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