8: The Cabin

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(Killian's POV)
Emma emerges from her room moments later with a suitcase in one hand and a small bag in the other. "Finally, did you fit your whole bedroom in that suitcase?" Regina blurts. Emma glares at her to which Regina just rolls her eyes. "Come on, we better get going if we're going to make it there before dark."

"Do you mind if I tag along?" I ask.

"Not at all," Emma answers, with a small smile to which I immediately return.

"You're telling me I have to put up with this the whole way?" Regina complains. She sighs and says, "Well alright let's go then." Regina reaches for the doorknob when she was interrupted.

"Wait!" Snow interjects. She walks over to Emma. She takes both of her daughter's hands in hers. "You're going to be missed here."

"I'll miss you guys too, but it's not like it's forever or anything. And you can still see me whenever you want," Emma assures her mother. 

Snow nods her head sadly, unconvinced, and then hugs her. "Goodbye Emma."

"Bye Mom," Emma whispers. Snow pulls back and her eyes are all watery. She squeezes Emma's hands before stepping back for David to say his goodbyes.

"Bye for now Emma," David says sadly before hugging his daughter. He cradles his head in his hand and wraps his other arm around her back.

"Bye Dad," she says softly. He releases her and gives her a small smile before standing beside Snow. Emma then turns her gaze to Henry and smiles sadly. "Bye kid."

"This isn't a goodbye," Henry objects, going to stand in front of his mother. "I'll see you again soon, I'll come visit you whenever I can and everything will stay the same." Emma just continues to smile sadly and she nods her head. Then she hugs her son, tight, before she releases him.

"Can we go now?" Regina complains.

"Yeah, let's go," Emma agrees and turns towards me. Tears are beginning to well within her eyes and I can tell that she fighting hard to keep them back. My heart breaks for her, and I finally realize exactly what it is she's doing. She has to stay alone in the middle of nowhere without her family and friends. And she has to do all of this because of me.

Regina takes this chance to open the door and leave before anymore interruptions happened. Emma follows Regina with her suitcase and bag and I follow her. Once I'm in the hallway, I look back into the loft to see one of David's arms around Snow and the other around Henry, all of them with sad expressions upon their faces. I wince at the sight and turn my head back around.


Once I've helped Emma bring her suitcase down the stairs, we exit the building and find Regina standing their waiting. "Seriously?" Regina groans.

"I don't know if you've realized it or not, but suitcases require more than one set of hands to carry down that many flights of stairs and, well," I hold up my hook. Regina just rolls her eyes and starts walking towards, I can only assume, the cabin.

Emma and I follow Regina and I realize that Emma's having a bit of a hard time with both her suitcase and her bag. "Here let me help you love," I volunteer and take the suitcase from her hands.

"Are you sure you can handle that what with--" she gestures toward my hook.

"I've got it swan, don't worry," I say with a smirk. She smiles and we continue walking.

We didn't say anything else until we got to the cabin, it was a quiet walk, both of us were in our own different worlds while Regina was busy worrying about where to go. After a while of walking, we entered the forest and from there it was only about 10 minutes before Regina spoke.

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