19: Failure leads to Determination

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(Killian's POV)
It's been almost two weeks since Liam threatened everyone and the town (one week and 5 days to be exact) which means that we have only two days to give into his demands before he destroys this town and kills/tortures the residents. Starting with Snow. And so far, we have nothing. Let's just say that no one's taking it well.

Shortly after telling Emma about Liam and I's past, I told everyone else. The whole time I was telling the story, Regina had a guilt-ridden and sympathetic look on her face. She clearly felt bad because she knew that it was her fault I had to do all of that in the first place. Not that I blame her, I can only blame myself.

Obviously no one took it extremely well, but who would? I will say this though, they took it a lot better than I thought they would. After a few days they understood why I did it, not saying that they agreed with it, but they were understanding. The whole thing blew over after a few more days.

After the car accident, Liam started creating more chaos around town. Causing fires, shutting off all of the power, creating small beasts that would attack citizens, but worst of all, controlling people. He's been tapping into people's minds and making them do things, nothing too terrible (other than one case where he controlled a man to beat his wife and almost killed her) but things that would make the person he was controlling break down into tears and fill them with regret. The one thing he hasn't done is killed anyone. But I have a feeling it won't stay like that for long.

I wake up and just stare up at the ceiling, thinking. Even though everyone keeps telling me that this isn't my fault, I still blame myself. I'm the one who sent my half-brother down this evil path to begin with. And now I've doomed this entire town filled with good, innocent people. I close my eyes and sigh. Deciding that sulking around won't help anyone, I get up and get ready to meet everyone.

We meet at the Charmings' loft as usual, it's become routine at this point. The door opens and I see David standing there. Honestly, he almost looks worse than me. I glance around the room and see that I'm the last one to arrive. They all look like David, it seems that everyone's almost lost all hope. Searching and searching for hidden clues after two weeks and finding nothing has taken its toll on everyone in the room.

Snow offers me breakfast, being the kind soul that she is, but I decline. To think that she might get hurt because of me in two days is almost too much. No one says anything for a while, I mean, what is there to say?

After a while David breaks the silence, "If you don't mind, I think I'm going to go and visit Emma," he says to his wife. Just hearing her name automatically makes me smile faintly, but that smile soon vanishes as I realize that I got her tangled into this mess. She's being hunted down by Liam because of me.

"Alright, see you later." She gives him a quick kiss on the lips and he then gives little Neal a kiss on his forehead, who is cradled in Snow's arms.

"Bye," he says to his wife and child. He gives the rest of us a little wave before exiting out the door.

I haven't visited her in a while, just because I feel too guilty. Seeing her, just reminds me of all the trouble I've caused her. But now, after just going 5 days without seeing her, I realize how much I don't care about all of that. How much I miss her.

(Emma's POV)
I wake up and stare out the window. I hate being stuck in this cabin, not being able to help when my mother's life is on the line. When everyone's life is on the line. I'm the saviour and I have been doing nothing to help save anyone. I miss my family; my parents, Henry, little Neal. They've visited but after every time I watch them leave, I feel even more lonely. It's torture.

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