22: The necklace

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(Killian's POV)
"Absolutely not!" David says.

"There has to be another way to save her," Belle pitches in.

"I'm afraid any other way would be beyond my knowledge," Rumple says.

"We're not going to resolve to murder, we can't just kill him--" Snow says but I interrupt.

"I will," I say. All eyes turn to me, the Charmings and Belle seem rather shocked by my statement although Rumple seems like he was expecting no less.

"Killian, he's your brother. No matter what he's done, he doesn't deserve to die," David tries to convince me but my mind is already set.

"I don't bloody care who he is, if killing him's going to save Emma then that's exactly what I'm going to do!" I state.

"What would Emma want you to do?" Snow says and that question really throws me off. "Wouldn't she want you to do the right thing?"

"Well I'm not going to just lean back and do nothing!"

"We'll find another way," David says. I look at him and back to Snow. Their reasoning is really interfering with my plan. Eventually, I give them a nod and sigh, frustrated that my only plan is now gone.

"We could check the library," Belle speaks up. "I'm sure there's a book in there that could help us."

"That's a good idea, we should head there now," Snow says. I go to pick up Emma but am stopped.

"I think it'd be best if Miss Swan stayed her," Rumple suggests.

"You think I'm just going to leave her here with you?" I argue, throwing him a glare.

"He'll come with us too," David states, I could tell that he wasn't too keen on leaving his daughter alone with the dark one either. He looks at Gold. "That way I could keep my eye on you."

"I assure you, that your problem is not with me, dearie," Gold retorts.

"Alright so Rumple, you'll come with us and we'll leave Emma here," Belle recaps.

"You're sure no harm could come to her her? And she'll be okay?" Snow asks the crocodile.

"No one enters my shop without my permission and if I did the spell correctly, which I did, Miss Swan's state will remain the same," Rumple says.

"And how do we know that we can trust you?" I ask, glaring at the crocodile.

"You don't," Rumple clearly says. "But without my magic, I'm afraid there's no hope of Miss Swan recovering." That was not the answer I was hoping for. After years of despising the dark one, putting my trust in him is beyond difficult. But, unfortunately, I know that he's right. Without his help, Emma will surely die. So, no matter how much I hate it, I must trust that Rumple won't do anything to harm Emma. After all, she is the mother to his grandson. That has to count for something, right?

Shortly, all five of us exit Gold's shop and the crocodile casts a protection spell surrounding the building. His red magic engulfs the shop before disappearing. I'm still not fond of the idea to leave Emma in there, I should be with her and so should her family, but it may be one of the safest places for her.

Belle opens the door and we all enter the library. My eyes skim the thousands of books, trying to think of where to begin. Eventually I find a section and start combing through the books trying to find something, anything. I've spent a lot of time in here over the past few weeks, trying to find information on how to defeat Liam.

Those searches have all been a complete bust so I'm not quite sure why this time we'll miraculously find something. I have to save Emma.

(Third Person's POV)
While Killian's desperately looking for an answer, Emma's parents aren't having such a great time themselves.

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