23: The Right Thing

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Yay I finally updated! With a longer chapter too😉

(Third Person's POV)
"We came as quickly as we could," Regina says as soon as she, Robin and Henry enter the library. "So how are we planning to take the necklace off of him. I could use my magic--"

"Before we get into that," David says, cutting Regina off. The prince sighs. "We have another problem."

"What is it?" Regina asks. David glances at Snow with a weary look and Regina grows more concerned. "What happened?"

"Before we found out about the necklace, Gold told us of another way to defeat Liam and save Emma," David explains. "In order to defeat him, you had to kill him."

"But we decided that that wasn't the right thing to do so we came here looking for answers," Snow quickly puts their minds at ease.

"So what's the problem?" Robin asks, unsure of where the couple was going.

"While we were searching through the books, Hook must've snuck out," David says.

"We think he's going to try to kill Liam," Snow blurts out. Regina, Robin and Henry's eyes all widen.

"Idiot! He's going to get himself killed!" The evil queen says.

"Not exactly," Gold says, re-entering from the back door.

"Hang on, when did you leave?" David asks the old man as he approaches the group.

"When you all started to suspect that the pirate went off to kill his brother, I went to my shop to see if he had a plan or if he was in fact, an idiot," Rumple explains.

"Well, what did you find?" Snow asks.

"It seems the pirate isn't so idiotic after all. Apparently, he managed to steal a cuff from my shop," Rumple says.

"Wait, the cuff that can take away someone's magic?" Robin asks.

"The very same," Rumple replies.

"So, Hook can now kill Liam?" David asks, not really asking but more summing up.

"If he can get close enough to put the cuff onto Liam's wrist, then yeah, he can," Belle says.

"Well come on, we have to stop him," Snow encourages the group.

"Henry you should stay here with Belle," Regina tells her son.

"But mo--" Henry tries to argue.

"Henry," Regina says in such a tone that it alone informs the boy that it'd be better if he stayed out of this one. "Belle do you mind?"

"No, not at all," Belle reassures the queen. She turns toward her husband. "Rumple you should go with them."

"But Belle--" Rumple tries to convince his wife but, like Henry, he was denied.

"Your magic could come in handy," Belle reminds the dark one. "Please, Rumple?" Rumple looks into his wife's eyes and he can't find it within himself to refuse her.

"Of course, my love," Rumple responds. Regina rolls her eyes, knowing full well that they could do perfectly fine without Gold, but she'd rather him come with them then be left here with her son.

"Are we just going to stand here or are we going to find the revenge-seeking pirate?" Regina asks the group.

"How will we find him?" Charming asks.

"The same way we find everyone in this town," Regina replies, as if it's the most obvious answer. She sticks out her hand and with a flash of purple smoke, a bottle appears. "A locator potion."

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