4 - Cry

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I can't believe what I'm actually doing.

I'm in some guy's car that I barely know. I'm going to stay at his house. He could be a serial killer, or a murderer. Heck, he could accidentally crash the car and kill us, if he's a bad driver.

Just what have I gotten myself into?

"What do you do for work, Cry?" Felix asked me through the silence.

Do I tell the truth and risk him using me for fame, or lie and risk him finding out? I think that telling the truth would be the better option; if he tries using me for fame I really have nothing to lose, but if I lie he could find out.

"I'm a YouTuber," I say.
"YouTuber? What, you make videos for YouTube?"
"Yeah. I get paid to do it," I say, with a little hint of pride in my voice.
"Is it the amount of subscribers you have...?" Felix questioned me.

Well, at least he isn't completely clueless as to what YouTube is about.

"No, it's the amount of views my video gets, mostly."
"That's really awesome!" Felix seems genuine with his compliment.
"You could be a YouTuber too. You just need to put the effort in," I say. "I could help you."
"Really?" Felix seems both shocked and delighted at the news.
"Yes, Really."


"Mom! Dad! I'm home!"

Felix unlocked the front door, and called to his parents. They both came rushing, it was obvious they were in a hurry.
"Hi Felix! Is this the guy you were talking about?" Felix's mom asked.
"Yeah! His name's Cry," Felix introduced me. The time felt right to be polite.
"Nice to meet you both," I say whilst smiling, knowing full well that they could only see some of my grin from under my mask

Felix's parents seemed relieved.

"You were right, Felix," is all his mom said, before both adults went back to what they were doing.

"You're staying in my room," Felix said with a grin and ran up the stairs, leaving me no choice but to give chase.

When we stepped inside, my jaw dropped. His bedroom was my dream one. A huge double bed, great view, the biggest game collection I had seen outside of game stores, a computer and a small TV.

"Your room is amazing..."

"Thanks!" Felix grinned, showing a full set of gleaming, white teeth. "Want to play WOW?" Felix continued.

"Of course I want to play World Of Warcraft!"

We played WOW for hours. We soon discovered that we were of equal skill level, and teamed up to beat every other player in the game.

"Felix! Bring you and your friend down for dinner!" Felix's mom called. I still didn't know what to call his parents.

As we walked down the stairs, I asked Felix, "What do I call your parents?"

"They like Mr and Mrs Kjellberg. Once you're on good terms with them, they'll say you can call them by their first names," Felix replied.

We all sat down to dinner, and I pushed my mask up a little so the food could go into my mouth.

I could literally feel Mr and Mrs Kjellberg's gaze staring at my mask and silently wondering why I wore it.

This was going to be a long dinner.


I wasn't sure how this story was going to go, but after getting a few followers that were PewDieCry shippers, a few votes and some comments in less than five hours of my story being up, I knew I had to continue. :)

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