8 - Cry

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How can Felix sleep through this?

There was a baby in the seat directly behind the two of us; and it had been crying for the last half hour.

I wish I could sleep.

I knew that even if there was no baby behind us I still wouldn't be able to nod off.

Would Felix like my place? Will my viewers like Felix?

The most important question on my mind though...

Would Felix like me?

I wish I could see what he dreaming about. I don't know why, but I've always loved to hear about other people's dreams, even the bad ones.

What if Felix woke up right now?

He'd see some weird guy with a poker face mask staring into his soul as he slept.

Awkwardly, I averted my gaze outside the window. It had been daytime when we were in Sweden; but now we were in the time of night. A different time zone was upon us.

The baby cried a little louder, and finally Felix awoke from his slumber.


He looked dumbfounded for a little bit, then he saw me and his face broke out in a grin.

"Oh, hey Cry. Forgot where I was for a moment."

His blue eyes were bright with joy and I felt myself getting lost in them.

"Cry?" Felix's voice called me out from his blue gaze.

"Oh, sorry Felix. Staring off into space," I laughed to try and make my lie believable.

"Is it nighttime now? We must be getting closer, right?" Felix then arranged his face into a devious grin. "Are we there yet?"

I groaned, then I annoyedly whispered to him, "You do realise that baby has been crying for the last half hour?"

This caused Felix to start laughing so much until he was crying and a few of the flight attendants to stare.

Felix awkwardly stopped laughing, and turned to me.



One hour later.

"We're here!" I laughed at Felix's exclamation that was similar to a child's. "I can't wait to see your house, Cry."

I smiled at him as we collected our luggage. He smiled back and we had one of our staring contests, looking into each other's ocean-like eyes.

A woman came up to us and smiled.

"It's so nice to see a gay couple being open about it," she said and I blushed furiously.

I looked over to Felix and saw his cheeks were also red. Neither of us denied it.

"Sorry for being awkward about it," she said and walked away.

We giggled and walked outside, flagging down a taxi. I said my address to the taxi driver and we were finally off.

Felix was having the time of his life looking at all the sights, and I laughed at his reactions to things I saw quite a lot.

"That looks really cool!" Felix exclaimed.

I could tell the taxi driver was getting annoyed with him, but it wasn't like he could do anything about it now.

The cab driver finally pulled into my- our driveway. I payed him, went to the front door and took a deep breath.

Would Felix hate my house? Would he go back to his home?

I opened the door and he gasped.

He hates my house.

"I love it!"

Oh, nevermind.

"Cry, are you sure I can stay here? I don't want to be a hindrance-"

"No, Felix! You've flown across the globe to be here! I have the space, and you're my friend. Why wouldn't I want you here?" I stared into his eyes, and I saw they were glistening with emotion.

"Please don't cry-"

Before I could finish, Felix cut me off by embracing me with gratitude. I returned the gesture and we stood there, hugging with the front door open.

Then my annoying neighbour from across the road yelled out to us from his yard.

"Oi! Get a room!"

Then Felix did something I wouldn't expect him to do.

"We have one, you fucker," then he slammed the door.

"I didn't know you swore."

"Not in front of my parents."



Felix nodded.

I prepared the popcorn and sat down next to him, putting on The Visit, a half-scary movie that I thought might be cool to see with Felix.

"Isn't this scary?" Felix asked, and I just grinned. "I'll take that as a yes."

Felix screamed at a few non-scary moments, yelled at the two children in the movie for doing the cliche thing in movies, and almost spewed when a dirty nappy was shoved in on of the kids' faces. He was such an idiot sometimes.

"Cry, I never thought that movie would feature old people nappies shoved into young people's faces."

"Well, surprise!" I laughed and Felix punched me in the shoulder.

This started a war with all of the pillows on my couch, and we were having the time of our lives. Felix then thought about a tickle war and I ran and hid in my room, locking the door.

"I can wait!" Felix yelled and I heard him slide down the wall outside my room, plonking down on the ground.

"Well my computer's in here, and snacks. Plus, you taught me to pee out of your window."

I heard Felix mutter, "Fuck."

After ten minutes, I opened the door.

"Just come in. No tickles though," I said.

Felix gave me one last teasing tickle then plonked himself on my bed.

"Wow, Felix."

"Damn, I love having the last laugh."

"I can tell."

I went over to my computer and Felix joined me.

"Can you show me how to make a YouTube channel?" He asked.

"You're going to have to think of a unique name, and not Felix."

"Well, help?"

"Something to do with how you play games? I don't know."


Both of us were severely jet lagged, but by the time I got up, Felix was already playing Call of Duty in the lounge room.

"Pew-Pew-Pew... DIE MOTHERFUCKER!" He was yelling at the screen.

"Pew...Die... PewDie? Only pronounced PewDee..." I said to myself.

"I got a YouTube name for you, Felix," I said, sitting next to him.

"What is it?" He asked, full of curiosity.



Hey guys, so sorry for not updating. My mum took my phone off me and I haven't been able to write anything. Got my iPod back and wrote a chapter for you. Probably won't be able to update for a little bit. I hope anyone in the path of Hurricane Matthew will be okay, hopefully Cry will be okay considering he's in Florida.
Also, I had to choose my electives for school, and that was really difficult. I did choose creative writing though, haha. Gonna stop the photos on the chapter thing because Cry's ones are limited. Seeya :P

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