25 - Felix

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There was something about Cry that... captivated me. I've no idea what, but every day I learnt more and more what it was. I'm almost certain that it was his eyes. His beautiful sky blue orbs entranced me. Never have I seen eyes so... beautiful.

I had to confess my feelings for him sooner rather than later... before he thinks I like Ohm more which is not the case. He kept finding our notes to each other so eventually I wrote one last one saying to go to the supermarket everyday until I could finally get out of the house without Cry.

Pacing, I had to think on what I could do.

Ugh, why is this so damn difficult?

"Hey Felix, what's wrong?" I jump at the sound of Cry's voice and quickly cover up what I had been thinking about prior to when Cry showed up.

"I don't know what to do for YouTube... or if I even should continue..." This was true. At first, YouTube was a dream come true; I loved it to pieces.

But now... now it was such a drag. It just wasn't... me. I could tell Cry felt the same way about it but neither of us had any idea where our true calling was.

"I get you, Felix. Do you remember how Minx said she was a YouTuber? She said she found her true calling in cooking, and now she's happier than she's ever been before," Cry rubs my back and I rest my head on his shoulder. "I know I want to help people, at any rate."

I nod, knowing that helping people was something I would probably fail at. "You could be a police officer," I chuckle. "I know that I love dogs, a lot. I want to-" I stopped, eyes lighting up. "I could work at a dog shelter! Or start one!"

Cry grins. I'm not sure if it was about my suggestion or his enthusiasm. "Dog day care perhaps? That way we can look after a new dog all the time," Cry suggests with a twinkle in his eye. I stop, and slowly begin to smile. I want to foster dogs, care for other people's dogs. My true passion was there. I would continue to twitch stream games on weekends maybe, but I had to start achieving my goal. Dogs.

"But a police officer, eh?" Cry nods so as to affirm the idea to himself. I half regretting saying it, I don't want him to get hurt.

"Pity, that- well, Marzia-" He stops and can't continue, so I console him. They couldn't know he was the man behind Marzia's murder. Even I struggle to believe he just... killed her, and I was the only witness. It just didn't seem like something Cry would do. He's just such an adorable little angel.

Lost in my thoughts, I lovingly thought of what it would be like to date or even marry that man. Who would propose? Would my parents agree?

"Felix? Did you even hear me?" Cry chuckles as I slowly shake my head.

"I said that we should both go do something to help achieve our dream job tomorrow, no exceptions. I'll get myself down to the police station and ask what I can do to become an officer, and you can go to the nearest dog shelter." I nod, agreeing fully. Hopefully I can make Cry proud.

"Good luck, Cry. I know you can get that job!" I say enthusiastically.

Cry holds his arms out for a hug and I return the embrace. His familiar musk of a manly cologne and a bubbling river envelops me, and in that moment I wish I could have that smell with me all the time.

"Thankyou, Felix. I love you."




Did... I... hear... right?

I ask this, pulling away. Cry seems to realise he spoke his thoughts aloud and frantically tries to run, but I block the door. He dejectedly nods.

"You love...me?" My voice was little more than a whisper, I was croaking out his words. Was this a prank? A dream?

Cry said only one simple word that changed everything.

Did you think it would be Cry to admit his feelings first, even by accident?

Important question here, readers; who is top and who is bottom in this relationship? Or is it vers? I have an idea on what I'll do with the promised smut but would love your opinions ;D

~Panther xx

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