13 - Felix

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This movie is boring!

I turn to Cry and see he is already looking at me. I think... I think he likes me... and not just as a friend. He's already admitted being gay.

But that works out good for me... because deep in my heart, I know I like him too. Like, I'm head over heels for him.

Cry made a brash move by watching me shower... so maybe it's my turn to make that kind of move.

Slowly, I slithered my arm around Cry's shoulders. He tensed up, but then relaxed. He rested his head on my shoulder.

This is really happening.

I rested my head on top of his, and Cry sighed contentedly.

I really want to kiss him.

I need to kiss him. It's an urge.

I lifted my head off of his, and he looked up at me giving me what I perceived was a questioning glance. I could just make out his beautiful blue eyes in the dim light, behind the mask.

I lifted his mask a little so his lips were accessible, then I slowly moved my head to his.

Cry could see what was happening, and he leaned forward as well, uncertain.

Just as our lips touched, the scene in the movie went bright, casting us in a mystical light that truly was magical.

I melted into the kiss, and our lips stayed connected for at least ten seconds. We broke off, and although there was no tongue, there's always a next time.

"That... that was amazing, Felix," Cry murmured into my ear.

"I quite agree, Cry. I quite agree."


We walked out of the cinema together, giddy; arms linked. It was almost like we were drunk. Felicity stared at us as we walked out.

"Felix, did I ever tell you how much your eyes entrance me?" Cry asked me, and I giggled.

"No you didn't, Cry. It's funny, because your eyes entrance me too," I said, and it was Cry's turn to giggle.

We walked to the car, and Cry seemed a little too drunk off of happiness, so I drove instead.

When we got to the house, Cry leant on me and we stumbled inside, crashing on the couch together, and fell asleep.

When I awoke, Cry wasn't next to me. I looked around everywhere, worried. I found a note on the table and read it.

Hey Felix,

It's Cry. That guy with the white mask? Do you know him? Haha, that was a lame joke. Anyway, I'm out shopping. Sorry I didn't wake you, but you looked so peaceful. I'll be back at about 1:00pm, and I'm writing this at 10:00am. Record some YouTube videos while I'm gone, maybe? I recommend Octodad: Dadliest Catch.

Love, Cry.

Those last two kisses sent a rush to my heart. I looked at the time on my phone and it said 11:00am, so Cry's been gone for an hour. I might as well record some Octodad like Cry recommended, I've got nothing else to do.

I started up the game on Cry's PC and turned all of the recording equipment on. Cry didn't have a camera so I didn't bother with the facecam.

I started the video.


"Felix! I'm home!" I jumped up and ripped off my headphones, running to the front door.

"Hey, Cry!" I yell, bowling him over in a hug. We spin in the hug, just inside the front door. Cry and I laugh and giggle, and when we stop spinning, I look into his eyes. His beautiful, cobalt eyes.

The neighbour over the road yells at us to get a room again, and I gave him the bird.

Why bother with that fuck when I've got Cry by my side?


Tell me what you thought of the chapter in the comments! I have a whole storyline prepared for this story and I'm excited to write it all.
Also, when I first started writing this I didn't think there were any other PewDieCry shippers left in the world, but I was wrong 😂

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