14 - Cry

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I was snuggled into Felix's chest as he held me, running his hands through my hair. We weren't dating yet, but we were very close to it.

The steady rhythm of the clock ticking sounded throughout the house quietly, the almost silent hum of the radio was just heard, and the birds outside were being louder than ever.

"Hey, Cry?" Felix asked, and my heart rate quickened slightly. Was it time?


"How would you like to go on another date with me tonight?"

"Why would I say no?"

Felix's eyes lit up, and a grin spread across his face.

"It'll be even better than the movies, I can assure you."


I really wish Felix would tell me where we're going.

I made sure my mask was secured to my face tightly. There was no way I wanted it to come off anytime soon, not even for Felix.

Not yet.

"Cry! Let's go!" Felix's voice called through the house, and with a last check of my hair, I rushed to the front door. We got into the car, and Felix produced a blindfold from his pocket.

"What's that for?" I asked, unsure now.

"That's for you to wear, silly. Where we're going is a surprise," Felix told me like it was normal. I gestured to my mask. "Don't worry about your mask, the blindfold is only going over your eyes."

I couldn't protest, Felix was already tying it onto my face. I breathed in his scent; he smelled like chips, deodorant and the ocean. Funny he should smell like that when that was the colour of his eyes.

I didn't realise he had stopped tying the blindfold until I heard the car start. I felt us pull out of the driveway, and I recognised a lot of the potholes in the road. I felt each turn, and heard cars go past.
After a while we got into a really bumpy road, and then we stopped at a halt.

I went to unwrap the blindfold around my head, but Felix stopped me. "No, not yet."

He helped me out of the car, then locked it. I kept tripping, so Felix gave up and carried me bridal style. My head snuggled once again into his chest. Something was placed on my stomach, and I made sure it didn't fall.

After about ten minutes of walking, I was put down carefully, the thing removed. "Whatever you do, don't move."

I unwrapped my blindfold, and I was shocked by what I saw.

Felix and I were on the edge of a cliff overlooking the entire town, and a few towns over. I could see the forest behind our house clearly. Looking up, the stars shon and the moon was full.

"What... what do you think?" Felix asked nervously.

"You couldn't of done better."

I tackled him into a hug away from the cliff, and we rolled around on the ground, getting our clothes dirty.

That's when I spotted what was on my stomach. A picnic basket. We were going to have a twilight picnic under the stars.


"That... that was amazing Felix," I sigh contentedly, stretching out. "When can we do that again?"

"I've been thinking... one date a night?" Felix asked, rolling over until he was next to me.

"Anything you want, Felix. Anything you want."


Another chapter is out!
How do you guys like the new cover? I personally love it. It was drawn by luzifersdaughter on deviant art, she's got some really awesome drawings there on her account.

Now since you can already see on the cover at the top right, I'm planning on making this story a series. The sequel to this is still being planned, but a possible title is "Silence."

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

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