12 - Cry

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Fuck. I think he saw me.

I went to the laundry and decided to put on the washing machine. We needed to wash at least some of the clothes in our household, we'd been just a little bit too lazy on account of all the video games we had.

Felix surprised me actually; he had grabbed every single one of his video games from Sweden and taken them here to Florida so we could play them.

Once the washing machine was going with our clothes in it, I went to the video game rack.

There was a paper list of all the games we had bought off of steam that were actually in the computer as well as all of the physical games.

I skimmed the list rather than reading every single one; Town of Salem, Gmod, Sally Face... there's too many to read the list properly.

Felix came out of the bathroom.

"Cry?" He asked, cautiously.

"Hey Felix. Are we going to the movies now?"

Felix nodded, and I could tell we would talk about this later.

But how could I resist? His body is... perfect.

We went over to my car, and I sat in the driver's seat, with Felix riding shotgun.

"What movie are we watching?" Felix asked, grinning.

"We're going to watch Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them," I replied.

"Isn't that a Harry Potter movie?"

"It's like a prequel."

We drove the rest of the way in silence, with Felix and I occasionally glancing at each other when we thought the other wasn't looking.

I pulled into the cinema's car park, parked the car, locked it and then walked inside, where I had to wait in line with Felix for a while.

Eventually, we got to the front of the queue.

"Hello Sir, what are you after today?" The woman working at the desk asked me. She wore a badge labeled with the name 'Felicity' on her chest.

"I'm after two adult tickets for the movie Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, as well as a large box of popcorn, and two large cokes," I said, flourishing a smile that I was sure could be seen under my mask.

"Alright Sir, coming up."

Felicity printed off the tickets for the movie, as well as slips of paper saying we payed for two drinks and some popcorn.

"I haven't given you your food and drinks yet as the movie won't start for another thirty minutes, so come back here when the movie is about to start for your food," She told us.

"Okay," I said, and Felix dragged me towards the arcade area.

"Look at all of these games!" Felix exclaimed, going towards a car racing one. "Let's play this one, Cry!"

Reluctantly, I sit in the other seat so we could play multiplayer and Felix slipped a one dollar in each machine so we could play a game against each other.

"Let's start!" Felix yelled.

I don't know why he was so hyped on this game; I just wanted to watch the movie. We had the plenty of video games at home.

The race started, and I pushed down on the accelerator that was in the floor of the machine. A corner was coming up so I tugged lightly on the steering wheel.

Felix was a little ahead of me, but I didn't care two much. The graphics of the game weren't too great, but it definitely was fun; especially when I passed Felix just as the finish line came up.

"That was actually really fun," I said, smiling at Felix and staring into his eyes.

We finished with the cars, and Felix spotted a claw machine.

"Look, Cry! A claw machine!" Felix seemed like he wanted one of the plushies in the machine; Pokemon.

"I'll try and win you something." Felix grinned when I said that, and I slipped a dollar into the machine.

I lined up the claw directly over a Snorlax, and pressed the button. The claw latched around the plushie, and it even got the Pokemon under it; Pikachu. It dropped them in the delivery chute and Felix quickly snapped up both of them.

"Thanks Cry!"

"No problem, Felix," I said, smiling at him and looking into those beautiful eyes.

"Hey you two! Your movie is about to start!" Felicity called from the counter.

"Alright, coming!" I called, then went and got our food.

We slipped into the cinema and got back-row seats for privacy. We'd already eaten half of the popcorn on the way, and we are the rest during the ads.

Time for the movie.


Hey! So, I'm on a major writing streak right now because what's happening in the story right now is pretty important! So hold onto your seats (unless you're standing up. Then hold onto the air) because stuff is about to get REAL!

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