9 - Felix

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Bryony stop reading my stuffs

Cry gave me my YouTube name. It's perfect.

As I lay on my bed in the early hours of the morning, I thought. Nothing could be heard apart from the distant noise of the clock in kitchen, ticking away the seconds.

Why would Ken kiss me?

Ken and I had been good friends for a few years now, and he never showed any kind of desire to me in... that way. I just don't understand that guy anymore.

What is the secret of Cry?

There are obviously secrets about Cry that are still yet to be solved for me. Maybe they won't ever be told. His face might always remain a mystery, and his name would probably always remain Cry. One day, I hope to solve them though.

Getting up, I sighed. It did no good to dwell on things. I might make my signature pancakes for Cry. I remember Marzia liking them...


"What's that I can smell?" Cry's voice called out from the other side of the house.

I didn't answer; let him come here to see, I thought to myself.

I scooped some of the pancake batter up with my finger and sucked it off.

Well, that totally wasn't sexual in any way.

"I didn't know you made pancakes."

Cry's voice gave hints to how tired he was; he seemed very sleepy this morning.

"I make amazing pancakes, Mr.Cry. I should be a chef one day!" I laughed, and Cry chuckled along with me.

I grabbed a plate from inside the cupboard, slipped a pancake onto it and then grabbed a bunch of random stuff he could put on his pancake.

"Is this peanut butter? Felix, what do you eat?" Cry asked, picking up a jar of the orange spread.

"Dick," I joked, but Cry's reaction confused me. Was he laughing... Nervously?

That's probably just me. Why would he be nervous?

Five minutes later, we were both seated at the table with our pancakes; Cry had lemon, sugar and maple syrup on his, whilst I decided to joke with Cry; I had just plain peanut butter.

"Wow, you weren't joking with the peanut butter," Cry said with amusement in his voice.

"I actually was, I just decided to try it though."

"You decided to eat something horrible just for a joke. You've got courage," Cry said admiringly.

"So, what are we going to do today?" I asked with slight hesitation.

What if he has no plans? That would make it awkward.

"Why don't we set up your channel?"


"No, Felix! Give it proper capitals!" Cry said, raging at me a little.

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