15 - Felix

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Of course Cry was going let me plan all of the dates. I'm not that mad though; I have plenty amazing ones planned.

The water running from Cry's shower was the only noise in the house besides the clock and the nearly muted television.

My thoughts drifted to Marzia and Edgar. What was I going to do? I really wanted my adorable pug back, but he's all the way in England. Plus, I'd have to see Marzia again. I really don't want to see her.

Cry came out of the shower with shorts on. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and he sat next to me.

"What's up, Felix?" He seemed to be genuinely concerned about my thoughts. I was lucky to have met this amazing man.

"Uh... Cry, I have something to tell you."

Cry's face dropped worriedly. "Yes Felix?"

"Did I ever tell you about my ex girlfriend, Marzia?" Cry nodded. "Well she has my dog at her house in Brighton, England, and I really wanted to get him back. I love the little pug, his name is Edgar."

Cry looked as if he was taking the information in.

"Alright, Felix. We can fly there to get Edgar of you like? It'd be cool having a pet here."

Is he actually serious? He wants to fly there?

"Are you sure?" I asked uncertainly, and Cry nodded vigorously.

"Yes! We could even have a little holiday since we'll be over there."


"Alright, Cry. You packed?" I asked my best friend, and soon to be boyfriend... hopefully.

"Yep! I'm excited to meet Edgar."

Cry and I had planned to stay in Brighton for a week. We would get a hotel room for two, and then I'd show Cry all of the sights in Brighton. On the last day we were going to collect Edgar, then fly home.

Hopefully we wouldn't get too much trouble with Marzia.

"Alright, Felix!" Cry called from outside. "I've put my stuff in the car! Now get your lazy ass over here and let's go!"

I chuckled slightly at Cry's remark. I had already packed my stuff in the car, so I jumped into the passenger seat. Cry was already in the driver's.

We avoided most of the main roads because there was a crash. I'd heard that a truck was on fire, and an ice cream van had spilt ice cream everywhere.

We finally arrived at the air port, and parked the car in a designated park that would last for eight days. We decided having an extra day would ensure that our car wouldn't be towed away for being in the car park for too long.


The wheels of the plane touched down onto the ground and Cry breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't seem too fond of the things.

"Finally," I heard him mutter under his breath.

"You're going to love the arcade that's next to the beach. Don't forget the bakery. The pier is fantastic. There's also some really awesome fast food restaurants, and there's-"

"Felix, stop your rambling. You'll be able to show me all of those things once we're actually off the plane. The jet lag's gotten to me anyway, I want a snooze," Cry yawned.

"You'll be able to snooze, don't you worry," I laughed, and Cry smiled at me.

We had one of our staring moments again; his eyes really did something to me, and he had admitted to me that my eyes did the same for him.

"Hey you two! Off the plane!" One of the flight attendants called, and we scrambled off.

Hey! Sorry for being so lax with updates, my brother got into a car crash and I've been sitting with him in hospital for the past couple of days. Hope you enjoyed the update :) xx

Also, here's a sneak peek to the sequel's cover:

Also, here's a sneak peek to the sequel's cover: :D

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