21 - Felix

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I'm trembling.

A man stood in the doorway of the treehouse, and it was evident that he was the man that lived here. He had dirty brown hair that looked like it had never been washed, as well as some scruffy facial hair. His clothes were a filthy grey; bunny ears were attached to his hoodie.

"Did you hear me?! I said, why are you here?!" The man yelled.

"I-I..." Stuttering, I continued. "I was leaving the house for a b-bit."

The man growls, then narrows his eyes.

"You don't happen to live with that Cry guy, do you?" The man sat down on a bean bag that was laying near the doorway, though his eyes continued to bore into me.

"I-I do actually." The man's composure completely changed.

"Well, hi then. I'm Ohm, short for Ohmwrecker. Not giving you my real name, buddy," He held out his hand for a handshake, but I shrank away from it. Handshakes were awkward as hell.

"Okay then," Ohm said with a slight laugh.

"I'm sorry, Ohm. I'll leave," I mutter, and I get up; however, Ohm pushes me back down.

"No. Stay," Ohm said softly.

Getting comfortable again, I feel sleepy once more. I'm not sure if I trust the guy though.


When I awake, Ohm isn't in the treehouse anymore and it is dawn. A note lies on the floor next to me, so I pick it up and read it.

To Felix
You'll know who this is from. I'm going to ask you to not return directly to this place; please stay with Cry. However, we may keep in contact. There is a tree stump right near the back gate where you live. Leave notes there for me to read, and I'll leave some in reply. I left a pen there for you, just write on the back of this to begin with, I will dispose of this paper afterwards so it will not be found, and no one will know the location of our note place.

Alright then, I will have to leave. Since it is so early I'm sure Cry isn't awake yet; I can slip inside undetected, maybe make some breakfast and act like nothing is wrong.

Trudging through the forest, I breathe in its beauty and crisp fresh air for the last time in a while. I enjoy the early morning warbles of the birds, the feel of the bark against my fingertips and I nearly laugh out loud.

I saw the fence looming in the distance, and gazed around in search of the stump. As I got closer, I could just make it out, hidden between two trees.

Alright, there should be a pen hidden in there.

There was.

To O
As you can probably see I got your message. How often do you think you'll send messages? I don't want to keep checking it when Cry- no, I should make that a code name- C is around as he'll probably get suspicious. So, are you ever going to tell me about yourself apart from a nickname? :)

Slipping the note into the box as well as the pen, I went inside quietly, noting that Cry was asleep. There was no need to go to bed as I'd already gotten enough sleep; I quickly uploaded a YouTube video I had edited a little while ago, and made breakfast for the two of us.

I wanted to make our relationship as normal as possible.

Thankyou so much for reading this! I get new readers every day it seems, and new votes! :D In fact, I'm nearly at 100 followers, which is insane. Thankyou all so much, this year I'm going to try my hardest to update more often.
School starts next week for me though, and I've taken on a few extra classes so it might be a little more difficult (though I grabbed a creative writing class so I'm hoping my writing steps up in quality haha).


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