11 - Felix

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Bryony stop reading my stuffs

Why is wattpad messing up again?

The only book I had in my library was Ocean Blue, and I hadn't yet started reading it, yet wattpad put me to chapter ten.

I give up!

I stood up, then walked past the loungeroom. I saw Cry lounging on the couch, asleep.

I was going outside; I felt like I needed fresh air.

I carefully unlocked the back door, then closed it quietly behind me. Strolling out to the back corner of the yard, I finally looked at the surroundings behind the house.

Trees. So many trees.

Cry lived right on the borderline of a forest. No- we lived on the borderline of a forest.

What's lurking in between the trees?

I opened a little gate that went directly to the trees, then closed it behind me. Time to see what was in the forest.

There was a faint trail, so I followed it. The trees were tall, imposing things that had jagged branches that were so low I had to duck here and there. The trail was getting thinner and thinner until eventually it stopped at a huge lake. The lake was filled with still, grey water and there seemed to be a treehouse on the far side.

I made my way over to it and climbed up and I was actually surprised by the inside. It was well-kept, there was a couch, a table... food stores... someone must live here, or at least come here often.

I went back down and back to our house again. I didn't want to stay in that ominous place.

Cry was still asleep, so I sat beside him and looked at the tv screen.

There was some anime show on it... didn't Cry call it Hetalia earlier? Everyone looked like they were countries; Russia, Japan, Italy... so many.

Cry moved in his sleep, and his head managed to end up on my lap. His steadied breathing was calming, and I fell asleep too.


I awoke, and was confused as to where I was. That's when I looked down, and saw Cry sleeping. I decided to try and shift Cry off, but in doing so I woke him up.

He awoke groggily, looking at me with lazy, sleep encrusted eyes of the deepest blue. His brown hair was sticking up in all directions, and his mask was a little lopsided.

"Mornin' Felix," He mumbled, tired.

"Hey Cry," I say with a smile.

I looked at the time; 5:30pm. We still had time to go somewhere and eat out, or watch a movie in the cinemas.

"Want to go watch a movie, or eat out, or both?" I asked Cry.

"We can watch a movie and eat snacks," He said, still sleepy.

I picked him up, and he didn't object when I carried him to his room, grabbed the clothes he told me to grab and then carried him into the bathroom.

"There. Now shower!" I said, laughing. Cry even giggled a bit.

I went into my own room and chose better clothes over the ones I was wearing, then waited outside the bathroom door. Five minutes later, Cry emerged. His outfit and his hair looked perfect.

"You look great, Cry. You really do," I said honestly, and I saw a grin flash under his mask.

I went into the bathroom, stripped off and went into the shower, washing my hair. The hot water splashed off of my skin, and the steam was all around the bathroom. I got out without turning the water off, and that's when I saw it.

The door was ajar, and for a fleeting moment, I saw a white porcelain mask peeking through.


This is by far my favourite story out of all of the stories I've published. Now here's a question; would you guys like me to write a special Christmas chapter to be released on Christmas/Christmas Eve (depending where you live in the world) ?

It would be at least 1,000 words, and feature the POVs of both Felix and Cry. Let me know by telling me your answer on this paragraph!


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