6 - Cry

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That was probably the most awkward time I've ever spent with another guy. But if there's one thing I'm glad about, it's that I woke up first.
When I woke up, my arms were wrapped around him like we were a couple, and I was the big spoon. The big spoon. I've never been the big spoon ever. Though to be honest, I've never been the little spoon either. Not only did I cuddle him, we had an awkward staring match after, and that was when I truly appreciated his eyes.
Beautiful blue, like diamonds with a hue of cyan. Like the flow of a river, or a coral pool. They were eyes that I could stare into for hours; an eternity, and never be bored. But of course, Felix had to break eye contact, which for some reason actually made me feel down in the dumps.

Wait, what am I thinking?

I need to snap out of it.

"Cry? Cry! Come on, we're going shopping!" Felix's arm was tugging on mine.

Shopping? I hate shopping.

"Cry! We're shopping for games, you idiot," Felix chuckled and I burst out laughing. Of course it was shopping for games. Well, I actually don't know whether Felix likes clothes shopping or not. He dresses like such a hipster that he might.

"Am I driving you Felix?" Fanny's voice called from her room.

"No I'll drive. We'll be fine, Fanny."


"Fanny's trying to work out if you're boyfriend material or not."

Felix's statement had caught me by surprise. How do I answer that?

Well, Felix you're gonna have to tell her that I'm gay, so I'm not interested? Fuck that.

"Oh," is all I can manage to choke out my mouth.

"Yeah, awkward right?" Felix then proceeds to laugh awkwardly.

"So, didn't you say you're staying here for a holiday?" I ask.

"Yeah. I'm staying until I find a place for myself to stay. I used to live in Brighton over at England with my old girlfriend Marzia, but she kicked me out and kept our dogs."


Felix isn't gay.

...why am I disappointed?

Felix is only my friend.


"Life Is Strange. That's a good game, that one. The Walking Dead? That one's amazing."
I was providing a commentary on the games for Felix, because somehow I had a better knowledge of games despite the amount he owned. He gestured to another game, for the PS3.
"What, you want to play The Simpsons Game? I've played that before, one of the levels is literally called Big Super Happy Fun Fun Game. The level was all about sumos fighting you on a giant flying boat."

Felix burst out laughing. I admit, the game did sound weirdly stupid.

"Any other games that you know on this rack?" Felix gestured to the rack holding all of the PlayStation three and four games.

"You've got the entire Uncharted series here. A Theif's End, which is the fourth and final one is my favourite. To fully get the Uncharted experience though, I'd recommend playing the first three games," I finished.

Felix took a little while to decide, but eventually gave up choosing and got them all.

He's lucky. I don't have enough money to spare to buy even just one game.


Two chapters in one day! Hope you enjoy these.

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