22 - Cry

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I awake to sounds in the kitchen, alerting me that someone is home. Hoping with all my might it was Felix, I peeped around the corner, and with a smile I saw it really was him; he was finally home.

"Hey Cry!" Felix called from the kitchen.

He must of seen me.

"Hey, Felix," I say with the most love I could muster.

He puts down the wooden spoon he was holding and removed his apron, opening his arms wide. I ran to him, and we embraced, making up for the lost love in the past few days. Deciding to go further, I instigated the kiss this time; it was short but passionate, passionate but sweet. Edgar and Maya seemed to dance around our feet.

"I missed you," I whispered into Felix's ear, and he giggled.

"So did I."


Once Felix and I  had finished cooking what he had started, I decided to have a shower. Since we had cooked a cake, there was somehow cake batter all over me and I think I know the cause.

I sluiced myself in the shower to wake me up a little bit more. My phone was blaring music so I could sing along;

I started this story without a connection
Narrated my path with a lack of direction but
Circumstance made my path collide with yours
Your life saved mine through sliding doors...

I had sung this song along with friend and fellow YouTuber Dave Brown, or Boyinaband. To be completely honest with you, I was jealous when Minx got to do multiple songs that I wasn't a part of, so I hit Dave up and we collabed on Limelight, a song about some of my favourite videos games such as The Last Of Us and The Walking Dead. In fact, we were planning on another one called Spectrum that Minx, Dave and myself would sing.

I stopped the water, and stepped out of the shower, dripping wet. I heard the back door open, and I rushed out without thinking.

It must be an intruder!

Turns out it was Felix, but he had paper in his hands.

"What's that?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Nothing," Felix hides the paper but it was too late; I had already seen it.

Letting go of my towel to grab the paper, I wrapped my arms around Felix's waist and managed to get a hold of it. Felix was frozen still, and I didn't realise why until I felt... a breeze.

Letting go of the towel to get the paper had made it fall down, and not only that; I was pressed against Felix to get it.

I stole away with it, and read the message.

To Felix
In answer to your first question, once a week. That should make it easier on you. In answer to your second, you'll have to find out. I'm sure these notes could fall in the wrong hands, and if I said anything major I'd be in deep shit; I don't want to run the risk. What about yourself? :)

I was incredibly confused as to who this note was from, what it was about... all I knew about them was 'O' but that doesn't help. I chucked it at Felix in anger. That's probably where he was yesterday; spending time with O instead of me, the prick.

"I was thinking of going on another date tonight, Cry?" He asks, and half of my anger melts.

"Only if I can choose where we go," I counter. He sighs in resignation and nods.

Now to see where we could go.

I'm not happy with this chapter, I'm sorry. I'm trying to get as many updates out as I can before school :)
If you haven't heard the songs I mentioned, give them a listen. They're pretty good.
Big thanks for getting this book to 4K reads! :D

~Panther xx

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