18 - Cry

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Marzia glared at me, staring at my mask. Without warning, she reached to grab it; I was too quick for her. I swung my fist hard into her face, summoning a strange force from my head. She was unconscious, blood flowing from her nose like a river.

Luckily, no one else was eating in the shop and the workers were out the back cooking pizzas. Felix picked Marzia up and we walked out to the alleyway next to the pizza place.

After five minutes of waiting for her to wake up, I checked her pulse just in case.

There was nothing.

Felix sensed my panic, and checked her pulse too. He was shocked, I could see it etched clearly on his face.

That's when it hit me.

I had killed this woman.


Felix looked at me. "We need to get Edgar now, Cry. No staying in Brighton any longer. We'll be on the run."

Hastily, we placed her into the dumpster and chucked a few things on top of her. We also grabbed her keys, and purse; no point leaving all that money behind.

Time to get to her house.


"Alright. We've got Maya and Edgar. I don't want anything else," Felix said brightly, in spite of what had happened. We were grabbing Maya as well. She was Edgar's sister.

"Let's grab our shit from the hotel room and fucking split," I say urgently. I didn't want to hang around.

We practically sprinted to our hotel that wasn't far away, packing everything up. We called up a taxi and we were taken to the airport. Customs made sure Edgar and Maya would be safe to take into Florida, and our baggage was checked. As we boarded the plane, everyone's luggage was being loaded on.

We took our seats, and I shook uncontrollably. I still couldn't believe that I had killed this woman. She was dead. I was a murderer.

I'm just glad we're leaving the country.


"A woman has been reported missing in Brighton, England today. She was last seen leaving her apartment building. If anyone has any information please contact..."

Yeah, right. Totally going to hand myself in.

"Cry? You okay?" Felix asked, concerned.

"I'm... I don't know, Felix. I'm many things and okay probably isn't one of them."

"Let me know if I can help you in any way, buddy."

Well there is one way, you could ask me out you dickwad. The unfortunate thing was neither of us were that manly; in fact, I would probably be the man of this relationship. Both us were too nervous to ask the other out.

The thing that's weird though? I was always straight as could be until I met Felix. Now I'm as open as a frying pan; quite literally, as I'm Pansexual. Yes, I told Felix's sister I was gay, but that was only so she wouldn't try and date me.

My thoughts drifted to Edgar and Maya. I'd finally get the dogs I always wanted, but was never allowed to have.

I slept, and dreamed of nothing. Just peaceful, blissful sleep for the first time in ages. I thought my mind would be going into overdrive with the murder of this woman, but... it was the complete opposite. My mind was relaxing.

When I awoke, we had arrived in Florida. Felix had obviously slept for a little while as well, his hair looked a little worse for wear. We grabbed our luggage and checked out.

Obviously our car was overbooked for the parking, but that didn't matter. We were home, that's what mattered.

I sighed, let Maya and Edgar run loose inside the house, and flopped onto my bed. Felix followed, and we snuggled on top of the covers in the somewhat stifling heat.

Life had changed.


Well, if you're wanting to know why this chapter took so long to upload, I was wondering whether or not to change my entire plot because of Marzia's death. This one thing that happened changed the whole storyline from here onwards.
I honestly still can't believe there are people reading this, I seriously thought PewDieCry was a dead thing.
In other news, would any of you be interested in seeing the face behind the author? :)


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