24 - Cry

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I regret how I reacted with Felix. I mean, we aren't even dating yet! Even though we're extremely close, I have no right to be protective like that.
I'm planning to take Felix out to a nice restaurant that is run by two extraordinary chefs that are lovers-Michelle and Kristen. I was privileged to be their friend and know their names, but they actually only went by Minx and Krism. As much as I'm connected to them and all, however, I've been thinking of moving country for a while and I still didn't quite know where to go or if to go at all.

"Hey Felix?" Felix turned his head and I saw curiosity spark in his glorious eyes.

"Yes, Cry?"

"I've been thinking... how would you feel about moving country?" I then thought about it a little bit. "Or state if you're more comfortable with that? It's just... I'm scared of being traced..."

Felix's face was one of confusion. He opened his mouth, then closed it once more.

"I mean- Cry- that was all the way in Brighton..." He choked out. Obviously, Marzia was still a touchy subject for Felix; he couldn't even properly mention it yet. I should've guessed that was his reaction, Marzia used to be his girlfriend after all. Leaving the subject be, we went outside and to my car. For once, I was the one to take the wheel instead of Felix.

Deciding I wanted to throw him in the dark even more about where we were going, I drove a long scenic route. Cattle grazed in the paddocks lining the road, scraggly trees threatened to fall over and birds warbled sweet songs. The sky had turned into beautiful pink and purple hues, and clouds were few. Felix pulled out his phone and took a photo, smiling.


When we arrived at the restaurant, Felix looked at the small place, confused. It didn't look like much from the outside, but when we walked in, Felix's jaw dropped.

"This place is... stunning!" Felix exclaimed.

"Thankyou, good sir! We put a lot of effort into making it look like this! It's bum how long it takes, but the end always looks so nom!" A woman came out from behind a corner, grinning. Her purple and brown hair flew freely around her face and she looked truly happy. I smiled myself when I recognised her; Michelle, or Minx.

"Oh, wow! So you're the mastermind behind this beauty?" Felix enquired. He was really into architecture and interior decorating, it seemed.

"Not really, if I'm completely honest! Krism is the more arty person between us, she has all the great ideas," Minx said with a grin. She turned to me. "Well hello there, Cry. Haven't seen you around here for ages! Only been seeing your YouTube videos but even they've been so much less frequent."

I laughed. "I've been up in Sweden with this douche for a while, and to be completely honest YouTube hasn't been giving me the real happiness I've been looking for. It actually feels tedious to play games for a living now, ya know? I'm thinking of trying something new," I say, honestly.

Minx nods. "That's how I felt about my channel back in the day. I've obviously left it up so I still get a little bit of money from it, but cooking, Krism and Pretzel is where my heart truly lies."

I nod, I get her completely. Felix stands awkwardly.

"Well who's this?" Minx asks with a grin.

"This is Felix. I flew up to Sweden for a weather change and he waved me over to his table at the airport," I laugh and Felix scratches his neck awkwardly.

A woman bustles out of the kitchen area wearing a messy apron. I immediately recognise her as Kristen, or Krism from her Hispanic complexion and dark hair. She's also the shortest adult I know.

"Hey, Cry! Long time no see! I can't talk long because there's some food I'm cooking for customers on the stove, so I'm just here to say a quick hello!" Krism practically yells her greeting, and Felix grins. I have a feeling Krism and Felix will get along really well.

"Hey Krism, it's really nice to see you again!" I smile. "This is Felix, my roommate," I introduce. "I think he's into architecture too, by the way."

Krism's eyes light up, and soon the two of them get into a really animated conversation about architecture, interior design and their dogs. Minx and I laugh at their enthusiasm.

"So how's Pretzel?" I grin, and soon Minx is also talking fast about her lovely "daughter" that she simply adores. I've seen Pretzel on multiple occasions and the little dog always brightens up my day.

"From what I hear of their conversation, you have two dogs as well?" Minx enquires. I smile, and begin telling her about the two little pugs known as Edgar and Maya. She is full of interest, and soon all four of us are having one big conversation until we smell something burning.

"Oh goddammit! I forgot the food on the stove!" Krism exclaims and runs off.

"Oh that's bum. I'll have to tell the person who ordered it that it accidentally got burnt and will be delayed. You two, go take a seat on table twenty four." With that, Minx walks at a fast pace towards another table.

I grin and look at Felix.

"Where were we?"

Oh my gosh look who updated? Yeah that's right, your favourite trash bag Panther.
So sorry it took so long!! I finally got on top of my school work and THEN I had to move houses. Since there's no wifi yet I'm updating each story because I can't watch YouTube.
Love you guys, I'll try my hardest to keep updating.

Thankyou for all of the comments and votes! They're definitely appreciated.

~Panther xx

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