7 - Felix

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One week later.

Cry was settling in. My parents still hadn't fully accepted him; and Fanny finally stopped trying to impress Cry when he told her that he was gay. It was funny, it involved the family dog, a paper clip and a cupcake.
I was shocked, though. I wouldn't think of Cry as gay at all; he comes off as straight. I still don't understand why I was happy with that news... maybe because I won't have to worry about my friend and sister dating? I don't have a clue.

Cry told me he was going to have to leave by the end of this week, and that's making me feel kind of sad, actually. He said he's got to go back to his house in Florida; maybe I should find a house over there too? Although I can imagine how Ken would feel; I move to a completely different country to be near some random guy I found at the airport, and I don't even know what his face looks like. I wouldn't tell him it's so I can be nearer to my friend. I'd just say I liked the warm climate, or something.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Cry asked, and I snorted.

"Where's the penny?" I question.

"Don't have one. But pretty please tell me what you're thinking about," Cry said pleadingly, his eyes looking like they could belong to a begging puppy.

"Florida," I stated.


"Well... as you know, I'm not living here permanently. This is my parent's place. It sucks here apart from my room, that looks exactly like how I left it a year ago. Mom and Dad don't touch anything in my room. Anyway..." I took a deep breath, "What do you think of me moving to Florida? Not in the same house as you, unless you've got room. Just in another house there somewhere."

"You can move into my house if you want, I've got space for two but I live on my own. It would be great to have company; I don't even have a pet," Cry said with a smile flashing out from under his mask.

Cry's eyes shone brightly. It seemed like Cry was eager to let me move in.

"Then it's a deal!" I say excitedly.


One week later.

"Do you hate us that much?" Fanny asked me in a low whisper.

"No, what makes you think that?" I matched her tone of voice.

"You're literally moving to another country... again. First Brighton, then Florida..." My sister trailed her sentence off. "You even went to Italy to meet Marzia, remember?"

"You can still Skype and text me," I offered with a smile.

"Text me as soon as you land in Florida, okay? I want to make sure you land safely," My sister hugged me one final time and then our plane number was called.

My parents came up and hugged me for the last time until I could see them again, then Cry and I boarded the plane.

I can't believe it. I'm going to Florida with a good friend that I've only known for two weeks. To stay permanently.

"Please put your seatbelts on when the indicator is on, put all mobile devices on aeroplane mode-"

The boring flight instructions that I had heard so many times before were recited by the pilot. Instead of listening, I turned to Cry.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay with you," I said.

"Anytime, friend. Anytime."


I feel like this story is a bit fast paced... 😅 I hope you guys enjoy it anyway because I might make this a series of PewDieCry books. Also the chapter images are just for enjoyment, they have nothing to do with the story. This one was chosen only because it's got Pewds in it.

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