23 - Felix

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I still can't stop thinking about Cry's naked body leaning on mine; he was dripping having just gotten out of the shower. I'd be lying if I said it didn't turn me on. On the downside, Cry had read the letter from Ohm, and seemed pissed that I got a letter off of some guy called 'O' but he's still planning on a date.

I wonder where he'll take me.

I read over Ohm's letter again.

To Felix
In answer to your first question, once a week. That should make it easier on you. In answer to your second, you'll have to find out. I'm sure these notes could fall in the wrong hands, and if I said anything major I'd be in deep shit; I don't want to run the risk. What about yourself? :)

I haphazardly scrawled a reply onto the back of the paper and sighed.

To O
C managed to get a hold of the last letter, but couldn't understand any of it. You already know a bit about me, but I'll say some stuff anyway. I'm Swedish, I love video games, I have a YouTube channel and a sister. I don't know what else I can say, really.

I actually don't see why I'm hiding Ohm from Cry to be honest. I love Cry unconditionally, it's Ohm that's keeping the secrets. I don't want to betray either of them; I kind of feel like the meat in the middle of the sandwich.

I keep the note hidden; I can't go outside and deposit it just yet as Cry could easily see me. Instead, I decided to play a video game for my YouTube channel.

Don't judge me when I say you were literally a pair of panties that battled other panties in the game; Cry bought the thing. Though I might play some away from YouTube...

"Felix!" Cry's voice echoed throughout the house.

"Yeah?" I call, wondering what he wanted. I hope it's not about Ohm.

"I've got a place to take you for date night tonight, so can you please get ready?"

"I- alright. Casual or suit?"

"Neither, wear old clothes. They'll probably get wrecked, so wear something you don't care about," Cry said, leaving me in confusion.

Sighing, I went into my room and looked into my wardrobe, choosing really old ripped jeans, a white shirt and a blue flannel.

Then my laptop got a Skype call, which I saw was from my sister, Fanny.

"Hey Fanny! What's up?" I greet her cheerily, and I hear some sighs of relief out of the shot.

"Mom? Dad? Come on you two, I want to see you as well," I say and laugh.

They approach the camera.

"We thought that that masked guy would've killed you!" Dad said worriedly into the microphone and I cringe.

"Cry wouldn't-" my voice cracks, "-hurt anybody."

At this point Cry walks in, and sees me.

"Oh hey Mr and Mrs Kjellberg, Fanny and- is that Ynk?" I can just see a smile under the mask.

"Yep! His is Ynk!" Fanny cheers and we all laugh.

"Well I'm sorry Mom, Dad and Fanny but I have to go. Talk to you later, okay?" They nod worriedly.


Cry looks at my outfit and approves. I look at his and see it's also old clothes. I wish I knew what we were doing, but I suppose this is what I get for being so secretive with the dates originally.



That totally wasn't a TFIOS reference.

Sorry for not getting this out as quick as I would like, I've already got a lump of homework I need to complete and I only get an hour or two left over which I use to watch YouTube lmao
This book is my first priority.

~Panther xx

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